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By rubbing two magnets together.

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1mo ago

One way to increase a magnet's power without electricity is by increasing the strength of the magnetic material. This can be achieved by using a stronger magnetic material, such as neodymium, or by magnetizing the material in a way that aligns the magnetic domains more effectively. Additionally, shaping the magnet into a more efficient design, such as a bar or horseshoe shape, can also enhance its magnetic power.

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Q: How could you increase a magnet's power without using electricity?
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Why could the increase use of wind turbines cause fluctuation's in the electricity supply?

The fluctuation in electricity supply from an increase in wind turbines is due to the variability of wind energy. Wind speed is not constant, so the electricity generation from wind turbines can vary throughout the day. This inconsistency can lead to fluctuations in the overall electricity supply when wind energy makes up a significant portion of the grid.

Could forks stick to magnets?

No, forks are typically made of stainless steel which is not magnetic. Magnets will not attract or stick to forks.

How could you increase the preassure inside the ball without adding more air?

You could increase the pressure inside the ball by heating it up. When you heat the air inside the ball, the molecules move faster and spread out, causing an increase in pressure.

What two forms of energy could best be used to increase the temperature of a sheet of copper?

Electricity and heat energy are the two forms that could best be used to increase the temperature of a sheet of copper. Electricity can be used in the form of an electric current through the copper, while heat energy can be applied to the surface of the copper through methods such as heating coils or flames.

Jack tries to place magnets on his refrigerator at home but they won and rsquot stick. What could be the reason?

The surface of the refrigerator may not be magnetic, or the magnets may not be strong enough to stick to it. Jack should try using stronger magnets or placing the magnets on a different magnetic surface to see if they stick.

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How could you increase a magnets power without electricity?

By rubbing two magnets together.

How could you make a very strong electromagnet?

well I am not really sure about that, but what you could try to do is increase the electrical charge connected to the magnet. There is a very close relationship between magnets and electricity.

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Yes you can.

How important are magnets in the lives of people?

magnets also provide humans with the required materials to create products to help and improve our day to day life, things such as tv, fridge, computer etc all use magnets to help them work. compasses are also essential and without magnets we could not have them. also in case you are not aware, without magnetism we could not have atoms etc.. and therefor we would not exist.

Can magnets conduct electricity?

Some magnets conduct electricity quite well. Others are pretty good insulators. If the magnet is made from metal, chances are that it will be a pretty good electrical conductor. If it is a ceramic magnet or one where magnetic particles are suspended in a non-conductive medium (like those flexible rubber fridge magnets that businesses like to distribute) then the magnet will usually be a very poor electrical conductor.

When was radio waves first discovered?

In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted noticed that electricity could cause magnets to move. This was the first "discovery" of radio waves.

Could people live on earth with out light?

without the suns light then no without electricity light then yes

Why are there magnetic force in magnets?

Magnets have magnetic force in them, obviously, to attract or repel magnetic materials. The materials could not be attracted without the magnetic force because the magnet forces the magnetic material towards it.

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An older, completely mechanically controlled diesel engine could, provided it had electricity to start it. A gasoline car could not, as electricity is required for the spark plugs to ignite the fuel in the cylinder.

Could you make electricity?

Sure. A simple generator can be made by using magnets, wires, and iron. Look inside a hand-cranked radio or flashlight to see the basic layout.

Is Electricity the greatest invention?

no that would have to be transportation. we could easily live without electricity. just make a fire and cook your food over that

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