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You can speed up evaporation by increasing the temperature of the substance being evaporated, increasing air circulation around the substance, and reducing the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere.

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Q: How can you speed up evaporation?
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Does evaporation speed up as the temperature increases?

Yes, that is how evaporation occurs: when water is heated.

How does the tumble drier speed up evaporation?

by wind

Does wind speed up evaporation?

wind does speed it up because the quadirlateral of the 64 equals 10

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What are two factors that speed up evaporation?

High temperature and low humidity levels can speed up evaporation process by increasing the kinetic energy of the water molecules and reducing the amount of moisture in the air, respectively.

How wind affect rate of evaporation?

A strong warm wind will speed up evaporation giving us higher rates of evaporation in compared to a still cool day

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What household appliances speed evaporation?

a hairdryer because your hair would dry by itself but with a hair dryer you are speeding up the evaporation of water

What happens to the speed of evaporation when the temperature of water is higher?

The speed of evaporation increase when the temperatre increase.

What 2 factors speed up evaporation?

Two factors that speed up evaporation are an increase in temperature, which provides more energy for water molecules to escape into the air, and a higher surface area exposed to the air, which allows for more water molecules to evaporate at the same time.

How do you speed up salt water evaporation?

To speed up salt water evaporation, increase the temperature of the water, increase the surface area exposed to air, and increase air circulation around the water. Additionally, using a low-humidity environment can also help accelerate the evaporation process.

Do waterfalls produce gases?

Yes. They speed up evaporation (liquid to gas) of water into the air.