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Sound can only travel through a medium (matter). Different materials allow sound to travel faster or slower.

However, as an experiment put an electron bell in a bell jar. You hear it ring.

Evacuate the bell jar of as much gas a possible ( a true vacuum is almost impossible to achieve in a Bell Jar), allow the bell to ring again. It will be much quieter, although the bell hammer will be vibrating at the same speed. By extrapolation, when all the gas is evacuated(vacuum) there will be no sound. So sound needs a medium to travel through.

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Sound is a form of mechanical energy because it is produced by the vibration of particles in a medium (such as air, water, or solids). These vibrations create sound waves that carry energy through the medium by transferring the kinetic energy of the particles from one to another. This transfer of energy from particle to particle is a fundamental characteristic of mechanical energy.

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Q: How can you show that sound is a form of mechanical energy?
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What form of energy do muscles wind and running water show when they work?

Muscles exhibit mechanical energy when they contract to create movement. Running water shows kinetic energy as it flows and moves downstream.

What is the energy transfer diagram for a tv?

A TV converts electrical energy into light and sound energy. The energy transfer diagram would show the input of electrical energy from the power source, which is then converted into light energy by the screen and sound energy by the speakers. Some energy is lost as heat during the process.

What are the differences between Conservation law of energy and Conservation law of Mechanical energy in Physics?

The conservation law of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. This law applies to all forms of energy, including mechanical energy. The conservation law of mechanical energy specifically refers to the total mechanical energy (kinetic + potential) of a system, which is constant as long as only conservative forces are acting on the system.

How can you draw an energy transfer diagram for winding up a clockwork car?

An energy transfer diagram for winding up a clockwork car would show the transfer of mechanical energy input to potential energy stored in the clockwork mechanism. As the key is turned, mechanical work is done to wind up the spring in the mechanism, storing potential energy. When released, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the car moves.

What is the difference between light waves and sound waves?

Light waves are electromagnetic waves that do not require a medium to travel through, while sound waves are mechanical waves that need a medium (like air, water, or solids) to propagate. Light waves travel at a much faster speed (about 300,000 km/s) compared to sound waves (which travel at about 340 m/s in air). Light waves are also transverse waves, while sound waves are longitudinal waves.

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That refers to the energy transported by a sound wave. This can be described as that part of the kinetic energy of the particles, or alternately pressure differences, that is transmitted as a sound.

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Yes, a Yantra is a specific form of a mantra or sound vibration.

What is the energy transfer diagram for a tv?

A TV converts electrical energy into light and sound energy. The energy transfer diagram would show the input of electrical energy from the power source, which is then converted into light energy by the screen and sound energy by the speakers. Some energy is lost as heat during the process.

What are the differences between Conservation law of energy and Conservation law of Mechanical energy in Physics?

The conservation law of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. This law applies to all forms of energy, including mechanical energy. The conservation law of mechanical energy specifically refers to the total mechanical energy (kinetic + potential) of a system, which is constant as long as only conservative forces are acting on the system.

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An energy transfer diagram for winding up a clockwork car would show the transfer of mechanical energy input to potential energy stored in the clockwork mechanism. As the key is turned, mechanical work is done to wind up the spring in the mechanism, storing potential energy. When released, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy as the car moves.

What is the difference between light waves and sound waves?

Light waves are electromagnetic waves that do not require a medium to travel through, while sound waves are mechanical waves that need a medium (like air, water, or solids) to propagate. Light waves travel at a much faster speed (about 300,000 km/s) compared to sound waves (which travel at about 340 m/s in air). Light waves are also transverse waves, while sound waves are longitudinal waves.

How can you demonstrate to someone that light and sound are forms of energy?

If they have an impact on anything else in the universe then by definition energy was involved. To show that they easily convert into other forms of energy you could demonstrate that they can heat material up (heat being the easiest form of energy to convert other energy into,) or you could reference experiments where these have been converted into electricity (the easiest type of energy to recognize as energy- at least in modern civilizations.)