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One simple experiment to show that there are two types of electric charges (positive and negative) is to rub a balloon with a wool cloth. The balloon will gain a negative charge, while the cloth will gain a positive charge. When the negatively charged balloon is brought close to small pieces of paper or dust, they will be attracted to the balloon, demonstrating the presence of opposite charges.

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Q: How can you show by simple experiment that there are two types of electric charges?
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What are two types of electric charge?

The two types of electric charge are positive and negative. Positive charges repel each other, as do negative charges, while opposite charges attract each other.

What are the three types of electrical charges?

The three types of electrical charges are positive, negative, and neutral. Positive charges are carried by protons, negative charges by electrons, and neutral charges have an equal number of protons and electrons.

What are the three types of fields in physics?

The three types of fields in physics are gravitational fields, electric fields, and magnetic fields. These fields describe the forces that act on objects within their influence, such as the force of gravity between masses in a gravitational field or the force between electric charges in an electric field.

How do the two types of electric charges interact?

Opposite charges attract each other, while like charges repel each other. The interaction between two charges follows Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Which TWO types of magnets do you need to make a simple motor?

You need both a permanent magnet and an electromagnet to make a simple motor. The permanent magnet provides the static magnetic field needed for operation, while the electromagnet creates a changing magnetic field when electricity passes through it, causing the motor to rotate.

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What are two types of electric charge?

The two types of electric charge are positive and negative. Positive charges repel each other, as do negative charges, while opposite charges attract each other.

What are the 2 types of electric charges?

The two types of electric charges are positive and negative. Positive charges repel each other, as do negative charges, while positive and negative charges attract each other.

How do the types of electric charges interact?

They attract each other.

What are the three types of electrical charges?

The three types of electrical charges are positive, negative, and neutral. Positive charges are carried by protons, negative charges by electrons, and neutral charges have an equal number of protons and electrons.

What two types of forces can result from electric charges?

Electrostatic force and magnetic force.

What are the types of electrical charges?

there are basically 3 types of electrical charges VIZ,Electrons,Protons,NutronsAnswerThere are two types of electric charge: a negativecharge, and a positive charge.Electrons are negatively charged, and protons are positively charged. Neutrons (not 'nutrons'!) do not carry any charge -they are 'neutral'!

What are different types of charges?

the different types of charges are positive and negative charges

What is the difference of the 3 types of charges?

what are the 3 types of charges

What are the three types of fields in physics?

The three types of fields in physics are gravitational fields, electric fields, and magnetic fields. These fields describe the forces that act on objects within their influence, such as the force of gravity between masses in a gravitational field or the force between electric charges in an electric field.

What are the different types of charge?

the different types of charges are positive and negative charges

What are the two electric charges?

There are two types of charges: positive charges and negative charges. Positive charges are immobile, and are found inside the nuclei of atoms as Protons. Negative charges can be mobile, and have the source of electrons. These orbit the nuclei of atoms, and can be stripped from the atoms to be used as mobile charged through conductors, such as electricity moving through wires.