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4mo ago

You can reduce sliding friction between two surfaces by using lubricants such as oil or grease to create a thin layer between the surfaces. Additionally, using materials with lower coefficients of friction, such as Teflon or nylon, can help reduce friction. Keeping the surfaces clean and smooth can also help minimize sliding friction.

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Q: How can you reduce sliding friction between 2 surfaces?
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What True or false lubricants reduce friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

True. Lubricants reduce friction by forming a thin layer between moving surfaces, which helps to replace sliding friction with fluid friction. This allows for smoother movement and decreased wear on the surfaces in contact.

What do lubricants do to friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

Lubricants reduce friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction.

Lubricants do what to friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

the correction option is true :)

What is friction how can friction be decreased?

Friction is the force that opposes the relative motion of two surfaces in contact. To decrease friction, you can use lubricants like oil or grease between the surfaces, use smoother surfaces, reduce the force pressing the surfaces together, or introduce rolling motion instead of sliding motion.

Why is sliding friction lesser than static friction?

Sliding friction is often less than static friction because static friction is the force that must be overcome to initiate motion between two surfaces. Once the surfaces are already sliding, the resistance to motion (sliding friction) is typically lower than the initial resistance to start the motion (static friction). This is due to differences in the nature of the interactions between the surfaces in the two scenarios.

What determines the amount of sliding friction?

Sliding friction is determined by the nature of the surfaces in contact, their roughness, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the presence of any lubricants. The rougher the surfaces and the greater the force pressing them together, the higher the sliding friction. Lubricants can reduce sliding friction by providing a smoother surface for the two objects to slide against each other.

What Lubricants reduce friction by replacing sliding friction with fluid friction?

Viscous lubricants, such as oils and greases, reduce friction by creating a fluid layer between moving surfaces. This fluid layer separates the surfaces, allowing them to slide past each other with less resistance. The viscosity of the lubricant determines the effectiveness of this fluid friction.

Does overpolishing of surfaces increase the friction between them?

No it does not. It will actually reduce the friction between them.

Give ways to decrease friction?

Use lubricants such as oil or grease to reduce friction between surfaces. Use smooth or polished surfaces to minimize roughness and friction. Ensure proper alignment and regular maintenance of moving parts to avoid unnecessary friction. Reduce the weight or force pressing the surfaces together to decrease friction.

Why do slippery fluids such as oil reduce sliding friction?

We can reduce friction by oiling ("lubricating") the surfaces. This means that the surfaces no longer rub directly on each other, but slide past on a layer of oil. It's now much easier to move them.

What is a substance put on surfaces to reduce thee friction between the surfaces called?

A substance put on surfaces to reduce friction is called a lubricant. Lubricants can be in the form of oil, grease, or sprays, and they help reduce friction between surfaces by creating a thin film that separates and protects them.

How friction decreased?

Friction can decrease through various means, including using lubricants to create a slippery barrier between surfaces, polishing surfaces to reduce roughness and contact area, or introducing a rolling motion instead of sliding. Additionally, reducing the force pressing the surfaces together can also decrease friction.