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In the plane mirror, our image will be seen as same size of us and erect.

In case of concave mirror, our image will be inverted. This is because concave mirror forms real, inverted image when object is placed behind the focus of the mirror.

In case of convex mirror, the size of the image will be diminished, or smaller than us and the image will be erect too. This is because the image formed is virtual and erect.

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3mo ago
  1. Plane mirrors: They produce virtual images that are upright and the same size as the object.
  2. Concave mirrors: They can produce both real and virtual images, depending on the object's position relative to the mirror's focal point.
  3. Convex mirrors: They always produce virtual images that are smaller than the object and appear upright.
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12y ago

Move mirror to and fro.

Plane Mirror: Mirror image is of true size.

Concave Mirror: Image is curved. Bringing the mirror closer, magnifies the image. Moving it away, image is inverted and reduced.

Convex Mirror: Mirror image is always diminished but erect. The viewpoint is wider.

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Q: How can you identify the three types of mirrors without touching?
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What are the kind of mirrors?

There are various types of mirrors, including plane mirrors (flat and smooth), concave mirrors (curve inward), convex mirrors (curve outward), and two-way mirrors (reflective on one side and transparent on the other). Mirrors can serve different purposes, such as reflection, magnification, or focusing light.

Which of the three main methods of charging an object involves no touching?

The three main methods of charging an object are through friction, conduction, and induction. Induction is the method that involves no touching, as it relies on the rearrangement of charges within an object caused by the presence of a charged object nearby without direct contact.

What are three similarities between concave and convex mirrors?

Both concave and convex mirrors can create virtual images, which are images that cannot be projected onto a screen. Both types of mirrors follow the laws of reflection, with the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. Both concave and convex mirrors can be used in optical devices such as makeup mirrors or security mirrors.

How many mirrors does a kaleidoscope have?

A kaleidoscope typically contains two or three mirrors arranged in a cylinder to create multiple reflections of objects inside the kaleidoscope, creating intricate patterns.

How much mirrors does a kaleidoscope have?

A kaleidoscope typically has three mirrors placed at a 60 degree angle to each other. This creates the intricate patterns and reflections seen when looking through a kaleidoscope.

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