

How can resistance be reduced in wire?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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12y ago

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Resistance in a wire can be reduced by using a thicker wire or a material with lower resistivity, like copper. Keeping the wire short and straight also helps reduce resistance. Additionally, ensuring good connections and minimizing temperature fluctuations can further decrease resistance.

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Q: How can resistance be reduced in wire?
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If the length of a copper wire is reduced by half then the resistance of the wire will be?

The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length, so if the length is reduced by half, the resistance will also be reduced by half.

Would not reduce resistance in a copper wire?

Resistance will only be reduced by changing the thickness of the wire or the wire's temperature. It's apparent impedance can be changed by placing it in an electric field as well.

Is the wire gets thicker or thin when the resistance is less?

The wire gets thinner when the resistance is less because there is less opposition to the flow of electrons, which results in less heat generation. This reduced heat generation allows for a thinner wire to be used without overheating.

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-- The resistance of the wire is proportional to its length. -- When the length is reduced by 1/2 , the resistance is also reduced by 1/2 . -- Reducing the resistance across the battery by 1/2 causes the current to double. -- The new current is 100 mA. (Assumes zero internal resistance in the battery, and that the 4.5 volts doesn't 'sag'.)

Do bends in a wire affects its electrical resistance?

Unless the wire is broken, a bent wire should still be able to conduct electricity as well as a straight one.

A piece of wire is stretched such that its length increases and its radius decreases the resistance of the wire will tend to?

A piece of wire stretched such that its length increases and its radius decreases will tend to have its resistance increase. The formula for this is: R = ρL/A where ρ = resistivity of the material composing the wire, L = length of the wire, and A = area of the conducting cross section of the wire. It can easily be seen that as area decreases resistance gets higher. In the case proposed the wire length is not reduced as it is stretched to reduce the area, this increases the resistivity as well.

What happens to resistance of the wire if the wire is short?

If the wire is short, its resistance will likely decrease. A shorter wire has less length for electrons to travel through, resulting in lower resistance according to the formula R = ρL/A, where R is resistance, ρ is resistivity, L is length, and A is cross-sectional area.

What will you need to measure to find out which wire has the greatest resistance?

To find out which wire has the greatest resistance, you will need to measure the resistance of each wire using a multimeter. Connect the multimeter to each wire separately and record the resistance values displayed. The wire with the highest resistance value will have the greatest resistance.

How does length affect resistance of a wire?

In general, the longer the wire, the greater the resistance. This is because a longer wire offers more resistance to the flow of electrons compared to a shorter wire. The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length.

How does the thickness of the wire affect resistance?

A thicker wire has less resistance than a thinner wire.

What happen to the resistance of metallic wire if it is heatedExplain?

When a metallic wire is heated, its resistance typically increases. This is due to an increase in the atomic vibrations within the wire, which leads to more collisions between electrons and atoms, hindering the flow of current and causing an increase in resistance.

A 4 ohm resistance wire is doubled on it calculate the new resistance of the wire?

The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length, so doubling the length will also double the resistance. Therefore, doubling the 4 ohm resistance wire will result in a new resistance of 8 ohms.