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Glass can be shaped into lenses to bend light due to its transparent and smooth properties, allowing light to pass through with minimal distortion. To resist heat, borosilicate glass is commonly used due to its low coefficient of thermal expansion, making it more resistant to thermal shock compared to regular glass.

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Q: How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending light and riststing heat?
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How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending light and heat?

by sucking a penis

How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending light and resisting heat?

Glass can be shaped into lenses or prisms to bend light by changing its direction. To resist heat, borosilicate glass can be used, as it has a low thermal expansion coefficient which helps it withstand high temperatures without shattering. Additionally, coating or treating glass with specific materials can further enhance its heat resistance.

Why does the straw bend in the glass of water?

The bending of the straw in a glass of water is due to refraction of light. When light passes from air into water, it changes speed and direction, causing the apparent bending of the straw. This phenomenon is called refraction.

Which is the definition of refraction?

Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another, such as from air into water or glass. This bending occurs due to the change in speed of light when it enters a new medium, causing the light to change direction. Refraction is responsible for phenomena like the apparent bending of a straw in a glass of water.

How a ray of light can travel from air into glass without bending?

When light travels from air into glass, it may not bend if it hits the glass surface perpendicular to it, which is called normal incidence. In this case, the speed of light doesn't change as it enters the glass, so there is no bending of the light ray. However, if the light hits the glass at an angle, it will bend due to the change in speed between air and glass, a phenomenon known as refraction.

Related questions

How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending and resisting heat?

Unlike an optical lens, maximum 'bending' occurs closest to, and minimum 'bending' furthest from, the center of a gravitational lens.

How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending light and heat?

by sucking a penis

How can glass be made useful for purposes such as bending light and resisting heat?

Glass can be shaped into lenses or prisms to bend light by changing its direction. To resist heat, borosilicate glass can be used, as it has a low thermal expansion coefficient which helps it withstand high temperatures without shattering. Additionally, coating or treating glass with specific materials can further enhance its heat resistance.

What does glass produce?

glass can produce a refraction (bending) of light

What produces glass?

glass can produce a refraction (bending) of light

Procedure of watch glass?

Glass bending procedure without dents

What are the procedures of glass bending?

Process of glass bending Bending of glass is a physical process. Glass having high melting point can de bend to desiered shape these are known as borosil glasses,constant heat along with pressure in desiered direction is applied .pressure should be lower then the effect and temparature of heat other wise there are chances of breaking or cracking of glass

Why is bending a glass tube a physical change?

Cutting a glass tube is a physical change because the cut glass tube still has the same chemical composition as the uncut tube. Nothing has changed except the physical appearance of the glass tube.

Why is a stick always bending in a glass of water?

Simple.... Refraction. Look it up ^_^

Why does the straw bend in the glass of water?

The bending of the straw in a glass of water is due to refraction of light. When light passes from air into water, it changes speed and direction, causing the apparent bending of the straw. This phenomenon is called refraction.

How do you beat level 60 of liquid measure?

TUBES going left to right: Attach a down and right bending tube on #1 (first column) Do not attach anything to #3 (second column) Attach a right bending, then down bending, then right bending tube on #3 (third column) Attach a right bending tube on #1 (fourth column) Attach a right bending tube on #2 (fifth column) Attach a left bending, then straight tube on #2 (sixth column) Do not attach anything to #3 (seventh column). GLASSES Place a vertical 3 glass directly under the #3 tube in the second column. Place the horizontal 3 glass directly on top of horizontal 4 glass stretching from 2nd-4th column. (leaving only one space open on the 4 glass in the fifth column) Place the vertical 2 glass directly next to the 4 glass in the sixth column. Place the vertical 3 glass directly next to the 2 glass in the seventh column.

Is the bending of glass over a flame chemical or physical?

that depends. changing the shape of glass is physical but if its a glass that can be effected by heat then if can be chemical. i would say its both.