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Friction can lead to wear and tear on moving parts of an object, causing them to degrade over time. This can decrease efficiency and performance, ultimately hindering the object from working well. Additionally, friction can generate heat which can affect the functioning of the object's components.

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Q: How can friction stop a object from working well?
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What is an object that stops working well due to friction?

A car engine can stop working well due to friction if the components, such as pistons and cylinders, experience excessive wear and tear. This friction can cause decreased performance and eventually lead to engine failure.

Friction can stop some objects working well give one example?

A rolling boll on a plane surface will stop after some distance due to friction.

The force that opposes the start of motion is referred to as?

static friction. Static friction is the force that resists the motion of an object when a force is applied but the object does not move. It is present when there is no relative motion between the surfaces in contact.

What is the friction force that acts on an object moving through air?

The friction force acting on an object moving through air is called air resistance or drag. It opposes the motion of the object and its magnitude depends on the shape and speed of the object, as well as the density of the air.

How do you counteract friction?

Hi!Pokequartz001 at your service!You may remember me from questions such as "What is a Glitch?"or,"What the cheat use to get mewtwo?"Today,I was told to answer the question "How do you remove all the friction?"Well,i believe that means the same thing as"How do you stop all friction?"To do that i think you push down on the object that is rolling from the force of friction to stop it rolling and,so,there you go,youve "stopped all the friction"or,in other words,"Youve removed all the friction"Try it!

How can friction stop objects from working well?

Friction can reduce the efficiency of moving parts by generating heat and wear at the contact points, causing parts to degrade and requiring more energy to overcome the resistance. High levels of friction can also cause objects to seize or lock up, preventing them from functioning properly.

How would you use the law of acceleration to explain why friction causes a moving object to slow down?

Well friction is the resisting force right. Now according to the law of acceleration the object tends to move in the direction of force. Now 2 forces are working simultaneously and the resultant vector is the one taking action. So if the resultant force is smaller than the applied one the object's acceleration decreases but its momentum doesn't.

What is the force that helps you grip?

It is the pressure applied by muscles in your hand contracting around an object as well as friction between the object and your skin which prevents the object from slipping away.

Which type of friction exists between a surface and moving air?

The type of friction that exists between a surface and moving air is called air resistance or drag. This friction force opposes the motion of the object through the air and increases as the speed of the object increases. It is influenced by factors such as the shape and surface area of the object, as well as the speed at which it is moving.

Friction causes a moving object to?

Well if you put that then yes cause they are touching by force and there at rest!!

How will I take care of my baby even I am working?

Well, you could stop working for a while, or hire a nanny.

How does friction affect acceleration?

Friction can make it easier to accelerate something or harder to. More friction on the object being accelerated means it is more difficult to accelerate it. You and a friend are pushing a heavy crate down a street from a standing start. It's difficult to accelerate it. Now try the same thing on a street that is covered with ice. (The two of you have spikes on your shoes.) Better acceleration.