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Water has 3 states, solid(ice), liquid(water, and gas(Water vapor).

When water is boiled, it gathers heat energy. It then becomes a gas , breaking away from other water particles. it gathers together on a colder surface and loses some of that energy, reverting it back to water.

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4mo ago

When water is boiling, bubbles of water vapor rise to the surface and burst, releasing steam into the air. As the steam cools, it condenses into tiny water droplets, forming clouds of steam above the boiling water. These water droplets are visible as mist or vapor.

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Why is steam made when boiling water?

Steam is the gaseous form of water above its boiling point. When you see 'steam', that is not really steam, it's warm-water droplets in the air.

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Yes, tiny water droplets forming at the spout of a kettle is typically due to condensation. When the hot water vapor comes into contact with the cooler spout, it cools down and condenses into the water droplets that you see.

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Water Droplets Don't Form In The Ocean .. They Form In The Clouds With The Help Of Precipitation

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When water is boiled, it evaporates and forms steam. When the steam comes into contact with a cooler lid, it condenses back into liquid water droplets due to the drop in temperature. This is similar to how dew forms on cool surfaces in the morning.

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Clouds form condensed droplets of water around molecules. This is tiny particle.

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That would be, "Water vapor" or "Steam", but not the "steam" that you see coming from a pan of boiling water - that is not steam, but rather, tiny droplets of liquid water.

Are white clouds seen above boiling water are steam true?

The white clouds seen above boiling water are indeed steam. This is caused by the water vapor rising from the boiling water and condensing in the cooler air above to form visible droplets of water vapor.

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5 droplets form a raindrop.

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What are two ways rain can form?

Rain can form through the process of condensation, where water vapor in the air cools and changes into liquid water droplets. Rain can also form through the collision and coalescence of water droplets in clouds, where smaller droplets merge together to form larger droplets that eventually fall as rain.