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force of friction= coefficient of friction x force of normal

force of normal is mass x whatever force that is acting on it (usually gravity)

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Friction is directly proportional to the mass of an object. As the mass of an object increases, so does the friction between the object and the surface it is moving across. This is because a heavier object has more contact with the surface, resulting in increased friction.

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Q: How are friction and mass of an object related?
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How does the mass of sliding object affect friction?

The mass of a sliding object does not directly affect friction. Friction is primarily influenced by the nature of the surfaces in contact and the normal force pressing them together. However, in some cases, a heavier object may increase the normal force, which in turn can increase the friction force.

What is a characteristic of a moving object that is related to the mass and velocity of the object?

The momentum of a moving object is a characteristic related to its mass and velocity. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity, and it measures the quantity of motion an object possesses.

What type of energy is related to the mass and speed of an object?

Kinetic energy is related to the mass and speed of an object. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its speed.

What are different forms of friction?

There are four main types of friction: static friction (occurs when an object is at rest), kinetic friction (occurs when an object is in motion), rolling friction (occurs when an object rolls over a surface), and fluid friction (occurs when an object moves through a fluid such as air or water).

What is the Physical concept of Force Friction and Mass?

Force is a push or pull on an object, friction is the resistance that opposes motion when two objects are in contact, and mass is the amount of matter in an object. In physics, these concepts are interconnected as force can affect motion (Newton's Second Law), friction can affect the amount of force required to move an object, and mass determines how an object responds to applied forces.

Related questions

Does the mass of an object affect friction-?

Yes Friction=Reaction force x COF Reaction force = mass x gravity So Friction=mass x gravity x COF ^ Change the mass, change the friction

Does mass effect friction?

mass effects friction by making the object go slower as mass increases

Is mass a type of friction?

No, however mass and or density is directly related to the amount of friction

What is the relationship between mass and force of sliding friction?

The force of sliding friction is directly proportional to the mass of the object experiencing the friction. As the mass increases, the force of sliding friction also increases. This relationship is described by the equation: force of friction = coefficient of friction * normal force, where the normal force is equal to the weight of the object (mass * acceleration due to gravity).

How does the mass of sliding object affect friction?

The mass of a sliding object does not directly affect friction. Friction is primarily influenced by the nature of the surfaces in contact and the normal force pressing them together. However, in some cases, a heavier object may increase the normal force, which in turn can increase the friction force.

How does gravity friction and mass affect the motion of an object?

Sin no

How is the mass of an object related to the objects acceleration?

By the mass of every object

This type of energy is related to the mass and speed of an object?

What energy is related to the mass and speed of an object

How do you apply friction?

Friction acts in the opposite direction that the object is moving or trying to move. The force of friction is calculated by multiplying the normal force of the object, usually mass times gravity, by the coefficient of friction.

The more of what object has the more force it takes to move it?

You increase the object's acceleration.

What are factors that affect an object's kinetic energy?

The factors affecting kinetic energy are mass and velocity.

What is a characteristic of a moving object that is related to the mass and velocity of the object?

The momentum of a moving object is a characteristic related to its mass and velocity. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity, and it measures the quantity of motion an object possesses.