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Aircraft fly based on the principal of lift. Lift is the force that pushes a plane up. A wing is curved, which means the air flowing over the top of the wing is moving slower than the air moving under the wing. This faster moving air pushes up on the wing and the plane, making it fly.

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4mo ago

Aircraft fly due to a combination of aerodynamic forces: lift, thrust, drag, and weight. When air flows over the wings, the shape of the wing causes the air pressure above the wing to be lower than below it, creating lift. Thrust from the engines propels the aircraft forward, overcoming drag. Gravity acts as weight, which is counteracted by lift. By balancing these forces, the aircraft can achieve and maintain flight.

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Some aircraft can fly faster than the speed of sound what is such speed called?

The speed of sound is known as Mach 1. Aircraft that can fly faster than Mach 1 are said to be supersonic.

Why is maximizing the ratio of lift to drag forces desirable?

Maximizing the lift-to-drag ratio is desirable because it allows an aircraft to generate more lift for a given amount of drag, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and range. A higher lift-to-drag ratio also means the aircraft can fly at higher altitudes and speeds, which can be beneficial for performance and overall aircraft capabilities.

Can a plane fly without wings?

While there have been some wingless "lifting body" experimental aircraft. All conventional airplanes get the the majority of their lift from their wings and cannot fly without them. No. By definition, A PLANE is a fixed-wing aircraft. The wings are absolutely necessary for lift.

What are Auxiliary fuel tanks in aircraft?

Auxiliary fuel tanks are additional fuel tanks installed on aircraft to increase their range or endurance. They are used to extend the aircraft's flight time and allow it to fly longer distances without the need for frequent refueling stops. These tanks can be mounted internally or externally on the aircraft, depending on the design and requirements.

How do you fly a aircraft on roblx?

To fly an aircraft in Roblox, you typically use the WASD keys to control its movements. Press W to accelerate, S to decelerate, A to tilt left, and D to tilt right. Utilize the mouse to adjust the aircraft's direction. Make sure to practice control and navigation to become a skilled pilot in Roblox games.

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Why cannot aircraft fly in space?

An aircraft is designed to fly in 'air' there is no 'air' in space.

Why can't an aircraft fly into the air?

A properly designed aircraft most certainly can fly into the air.

What is the difference between an aircraft and a spacecraft?

Aircraft fly through air and spacecraft fly in space.

Who flies an aircraft?

An aircrew are the people who fly an aircraft

Does airports fly?

No, airports are a place where aircraft fly to and from.

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Will you need a license for a aircraft?

Yes, you need a licence to fly an aircraft.

Can you fly in the sky?

If you are in an aircraft, yes.

What level do most airplanes fly?

Commercial, jet engined aircraft, such as the 747, fly at approximately 40 000 feet. Propeller aircraft fly at lower altitudes

Does airplane fly in the stratopause?

Yes, many aircraft can fly in the stratosphere.

Why do people fly with aircrafts?

Because without an aircraft, we can't fly.