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The pull of the magnet will over ride the earths magnetism. So the compass will react to the magnet as it passes through its field.

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1mo ago

A compass can be used to trace the magnetic field of a magnet by placing the compass near the magnet. The needle of the compass will align with the magnetic field lines, allowing you to visualize the direction of the field. By moving the compass around the magnet, you can map out the shape and direction of the magnetic field.

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Q: How a compass can be used to trace the magnetic field of the magnet?
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Can magnetic field lines be detected by a compass?

The magnetic field can certainly be detected by a compass.The 'lines' are a handy human invention, and don't really exist, so you could not,say, trace out the lines with a compass, because they're not there.But place a compass next to a wire that's involved in any battery-operated (DC)circuit, and the compass absolutely goes crazy !

How can the direction of magnetic field lines at a place can be determined?

Get a magnet that's free to turn in any direction ... a boy-scout compass will do nicely.Place it in the magnetic field. It rotates to point in the direction of the field 'lines' atthat location. (I forget whether it's the north or south pole of the compass that pointsin the direction of the magnetic field, or opposite to it.)If you like, move your detector slowly, always following the direction in which it points,and you'll trace out a complete 'line' of the magnetic field.

How is the direction of a magnetic field determind?

The direction of a magnetic field is determined by the direction in which a north magnetic pole would tend to move if placed in the field. It is conventionally represented by the direction in which the north end of a compass needle points within the field. Lines of magnetic force run from the north pole to the south pole.

Which effect of current can be utilized in detecting current-carrying wire concealed in a wall?

The magnetic effect of current can be utilized by using a magnetic compass to detect a current-carrying wire hidden in a wall. When a current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field around the wire which can deflect the needle of a compass nearby. This method is commonly used by electricians to trace wiring behind walls.

What causes the magnetic quality of feldspar?

The magnetic quality of feldspar is caused by the presence of trace elements such as iron, titanium, or manganese in its structure. These trace elements create magnetic moments that align with an external magnetic field, giving feldspar its magnetic properties.

Hot can you make a compass?

There are a few different kinds of compass. To make a compass that makes circles you could use a pencil and tie it to another pencil and trace circles.

Can you trace?

All electrical conductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. By detecting this magnenetic field you can trace hidden electrical cables buried in walls using a cable tracer. More advanced versions of this type of tool are used to detect power cables buried underground.

What is the result of Magnetic reversals?

The north pole becomes the south pole and vice versa. Also any rocks cooling in the reversed field will trap the magnetic polarity prevalent at their time of cooling. This means we can can trace the history of past magnetic reversals.

Can you trace electricity?

All electrical conductors are surrounded by a magnetic field. By detecting this magnenetic field you can trace hidden electrical cables buried in walls using a cable tracer. More advanced versions of this type of tool are used to detect power cables buried underground.

How can the magnetic orientation of rocks be used to trace the way a continent moved as it drifted?

The magnetic orientation of rocks can be used to track the movement of continents by recording the direction and intensity of Earth's magnetic field at the time the rocks formed. When rocks solidify, they lock in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field. By comparing the magnetic orientation of rocks from different locations, geologists can determine how the continents have drifted over time.

Why was there no trace of magnetism in the rocks of Hellas and Argyre on Mars?

The lack of magnetism in the rocks of Hellas and Argyre on Mars is attributed to the absence of a global magnetic field on the planet. Unlike Earth, Mars does not have a large-scale magnetic field generated by a dynamo effect in its core, which results in a lack of magnetization in the rocks. This absence of magnetism makes it challenging to study the planet's magnetic history and past geologic processes.