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when any nucleus is bombarded to the particle then there is a formation of unstable nucleus for a very short time and the formation of final or stable product depends upon the energy of intermediate compound nucleus.

for example:

Al(A=13,Z=27) + H(A=1,Z=1) ----> Si(A=14,Z=28)

target nucleus bombarded particle unstable

intermediet compound nucleus

Si ----->Si(a=14,Z=27)+n(z=1) stable product

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4mo ago

Bohr's theory of nuclear reactions involves the collision of a projectile with a target nucleus resulting in a variety of outcomes like scattering, fusion, or fission. It considers the conservation of energy and momentum in these interactions, using principles from quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles at the nuclear level. Bohr's theory has been instrumental in understanding nuclear processes and reactions.

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What do subatomic particles do during a nuclear reaction?

Subatomic particles such as protons and neutrons interact with each other during a nuclear reaction. They may be released, absorbed, or rearranged to form new elements. These interactions can result in the release of energy and the creation of different isotopes.

How much energy does a nuclear reaction give off?

A nuclear reaction can release a significant amount of energy. The exact amount depends on factors such as the type of reaction and the amount of fuel involved. However, nuclear reactions often generate millions of times more energy compared to chemical reactions.

Is China a Nuclear free zone?

No, China is not a nuclear-free zone. China possesses nuclear weapons and is one of the five recognized nuclear-weapon states under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

How mass can be converted into energy. give examples?

Mass can be converted into energy through the process of nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom is split, releasing a significant amount of energy (E=mc^2). In nuclear fusion, two atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. This phenomenon is what powers the sun and other stars.

Why have fusion reactions not been used in nuclear reactors?

Fusion reactions have not been practical for widespread use in nuclear reactors because they require extreme temperatures and pressures to achieve sustained reactions. Overcoming these technical challenges has proven difficult and costly. Research is ongoing to develop and harness fusion as a sustainable energy source, but commercial fusion power plants are not yet operational.

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Use the word nuclear in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.The nuclear reactor provides energy for our state.The nuclear family is becoming less common.Scientists studied the nuclear reaction.

What are some examples of nuclear energy?

Some examples of nuclear energy:A fission reaction at a nuclear power plant provides enough energy to give electricity to large cities.The fusion reaction in the sun provides our planet with all of the energy it needs for living organisms to survive.An uncontrolled fission reaction provides the destructive force of a nuclear bomb.source:

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It is a lot more complicated than this, but to give you an example, here is one nuclear reaction that is used to generate electricity. 235U + neutron --> 236U --> 89Kr + 144Ba + 3 neutrons + 177 MeV

What is the same with nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?

They are quite different, it's hard to think of anything the same. Different fuel, different conditions to make the fuel give energy. Both types of reaction give out neutrons, so that is one thing the same.

Is the nuclear reaction that takes place in a nuclear electrical generating plant exothermic?

Yes, the nuclear reaction that takes place in a nuclear electrical generating plant is exothermic. This is because nuclear fission reactions release a large amount of energy in the form of heat, which is used to generate electricity.

Which type of nuclear reaction is used in modern-day nuclear reactors?

Nuclear fission is used in nuclear weapons to create what some might call an atomic blast (nuclear blast). Nuclear fission used this way can also be applied in special complex designs to generate enough thermal energy (heat) to initiate a fusion reaction. This creates an even bigger nuclear blast.

Describe how nuclear fusion generates the suns energy?

In the sun, nuclear fusion occurs when hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat. The immense pressure and temperature at the sun's core enable this fusion reaction to occur, sustaining the sun's energy output.

What is called when hydrogen atoms condense to make helium?

This process is know as nuclear fusion, and it produces heat which can be used to convert water into steam for the purpose of mechanical energy production via a turbine in a nuclear fusion reactors.

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It means the person is wanting to give reaction to the weather. He/She wants to give reaction about the day.

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The energy released by either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.

What do subatomic particles do during a nuclear reaction?

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Can you give your sentences with the word nuclear power in it?

That rocket has NUCLEAR POWER!?