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No, the frequency of light is the number of times a complete 'wavelength' of light (ignoring the photon-like nature of light) passes a fixed point in a second. Generally measured in Hertz (Hz).

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Laurence Aufderhar

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

Frequency actually refers to the number of cycles or oscillations of a waveform that occur in a given unit of time. In the context of light, frequency determines the color of light, with higher frequencies corresponding to shorter wavelengths and colors like blue, and lower frequencies to longer wavelengths and colors like red.

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Q: Frequency refers to the number of times light rays are reflected off an object?
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Does frequency refer to the number of times light rays are reflected off an object?

No, the frequency of light is the number of times a complete 'wavelength' of light (ignoring the photon-like nature of light) passes a fixed point in a second. Generally measured in Hertz (Hz).

What is The frequency an object has when disturbed?

The frequency an object has when disturbed refers to how quickly the object vibrates back and forth after being set into motion. This frequency is determined by the object's physical properties, such as its mass and elasticity.

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Resonance is the ability of an object to vibrate by absorbing energy at its natural frequency. When an external force matches the natural frequency of an object, resonance occurs, causing the object to vibrate at an amplified level.

What does reflected light mean?

Reflected light refers to the light that bounces off a surface and returns to the eye or camera. It plays a crucial role in how an object appears visually, as the properties of the surface determine how much light is reflected and in what direction.

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Doppler effect refers to the change in wavelength and frequency that occurs when an object moves towards or away from a source of waves.

Is the measure of how fast particles move crest or frequency?

The measure of how fast particles move is referred to as velocity, which is the speed and direction of an object's motion. The term "crest" typically refers to the peak of a wave, while frequency is the number of wave cycles that occur in a given time period.

If amplitude decreases what happens to frequency?

If the amplitude decreases, the frequency remains unchanged. Amplitude refers to the magnitude of the signal, while frequency refers to the number of oscillations per unit of time. Changing the amplitude does not affect the frequency of the signal.

What does highest frequency mean?

In the context of: In the sequence 1,5,8,4,7,2,6,4,8,4,4,4,6,4,4, What number has the highest frequency? It refers to the meaning of what number is most often So the answer is 4 in this case

What refers to the number of cycles a particle riding the waves passes through in a given amount of time?

frequency ..... A+

How would you describe frequency in advertising?

Frequency refers to the average number of times that an average consumer is exposed to the advertising campaign.

Does Amplitude change frequency?

No, amplitude and frequency are independent of each other. Amplitude refers to the intensity or strength of a wave, while frequency refers to the number of complete oscillations of a wave that occur in a given amount of time. Changing the amplitude does not affect the frequency of a wave.

Would amplitude increase if frequency increased?

No, amplitude is not directly related to frequency. Amplitude refers to the intensity or magnitude of a wave, while frequency refers to the number of times a wave oscillates in a given period. Changing the frequency of a wave will not automatically change its amplitude.