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spread out

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spread out or diffused over a large area, creating a soft and gentle illumination rather than a concentrated beam or direct light source. This can occur through various means such as reflection, refraction, or scattering of the light waves.

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Q: For light to be suffused it must be?
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What colors of light must be combined with blue light to obtain white light?

Red and green light must be combined with blue light to obtain white light, using the additive color mixing process.

What two things must occur in order for a light Ray to refract when it strikes the boundary of a different medium?

For a light ray to refract when it strikes the boundary of a different medium, two things must occur: the light ray must enter the new medium at an angle, and the speed of light must change as it transitions from one medium to another, causing the light ray to bend.

What must condition must be met for the light bulb to turn on?

The light bulb must be properly connected to a power source and the switch must be turned on. If these conditions are met and the bulb is not burnt out, it should turn on when electricity flows through it.

What are the three conditions that must be met for refraction to occur?

For refraction to occur, the three conditions that must be met are: 1) The light must travel through different mediums with different optical densities, such as air and water. 2) The light must strike the boundary between the two mediums at an angle. 3) The light must not be incident perpendicular to the boundary.

What must happen in order for us to see light?

Light is electromagnetic radiation that is emitted or reflected by an object. In order for us to see light, it must be emitted by a light source such as the sun or a light bulb, then it must be reflected off an object and enter our eyes where it is detected by our retina and interpreted by our brain as visual information.

Related questions

How do you use suffused in a sentence?

The light suffused the room with a warm, golden glow.

What is the smallest definition of suffused?

To spread over or through with colour, light or taste

A synonym of suffused is?

spread out

What is the antonym of suffused?


What is the antonym for suffused?


An antonym of suffused is what?

A possible antonym of suffused is "drained" or "depleted." These words suggest a lack or removal of something that was previously present or distributed.

In The Torso of Apollo Apollo's torso is suffused with brilliance from?

In "The Torso of Apollo," the torso of Apollo is described as suffused with brilliance from. This suggests that Apollo's divine radiance and power emanate from his torso, symbolizing his strength and beauty. It conveys the idea that even in fragmentary form, Apollo's presence and influence are undeniable.

What 3 things must happen to be able to see something?

Light must be present to illuminate the object, the object must reflect or emit light, and the eyes must be able to detect and process the light entering them.

What is a red light?

A red light on a street is where you must stop in the intersection. A red light on a street is where you must stop in the intersection.

What is the synonym permeated?

pervaded, filled, imbued, perfused, charged, suffused, steeped, impregnated, informed, penetrated, saturated, transfused

What about meat to increase you hemoglobin?

Because red meats are usually suffused with blood prior to cooking, they contain a fair amount of iron. Iron is a key component in hemoglobin.

What colors of light must be combined with blue light to obtain white light?

Red and green light must be combined with blue light to obtain white light, using the additive color mixing process.