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the plant is a mineral that has only two or some times three seeds to each pod and that is why you would need a microscope to see the small microscopic seeds

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Magnification is important as it enlarges the image of the small object, making details visible. Resolution is important as it determines how much detail can be seen in the image, affecting the clarity and sharpness of the object being viewed. Both magnification and resolution work together to provide a clear and detailed view of the small object under a microscope.

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Q: Explain why both magnification and resolution are important when viewing a small object with a microscope?
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Which objective is always used to first locate an object on a microscope and explain why?

The low-power objective lens (usually 4x) is always used first to locate an object on a microscope. This objective lens provides a wider field of view and a lower magnification, making it easier to find and center the specimen before moving to higher magnifications.

How do you Explain acoustic how microscope works?

An acoustic microscope uses sound waves to produce high-resolution images of a material's internal structure by measuring variations in acoustic properties. The sound waves are focused on the material and the resulting echoes are analyzed to generate an image. This allows for non-destructive imaging of features that may not be visible with optical microscopes.

What is mirror formula .explain magnification in case of spherical mirror?

The mirror formula is a relationship that connects the object distance (u), image distance (v), and focal length (f) of a spherical mirror: 1/f = 1/v + 1/u. Magnification in the case of a spherical mirror is given by the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object: M = -v/u. The negative sign indicates that the image is inverted relative to the object.

Explain how focussing occurs in a microscope?

Focusing in a microscope is achieved by adjusting the distance between the objective lens and the specimen. By moving the lens closer or farther away from the specimen, the light rays passing through the lens converge or diverge, resulting in a sharp image. The fine focus knob is used for precise adjustments to achieve a clear and crisp image of the specimen.

What are the two broad classes of collision resolution techniques explain?

The two broad classes of collision resolution techniques in hashing are open addressing and separate chaining. Open addressing involves storing all the key-value pairs directly in the hash table itself, handling collisions by probing for an open slot. Separate chaining involves storing collisions in separate data structures (like linked lists or binary trees) at the same index in the hash table.

Related questions

Explain why magnification and resolution are important when viewing a small object with a microscope?

those two things are important because the cells are very small and you need those things to see the better

As the magnification used in microscope increases is more or less illumination needed Explain your answer?

As the magnification used in a microscope increases, more illumination is typically needed. This is because higher magnification levels require more light to produce a clear and detailed image of the specimen. Insufficient illumination can result in a dim or blurry image at higher magnifications.

If an object can be magnified 100 200 or 1000 times when viewed under a microscope does the objects actual size change with the magnification Explain why?

No, the object's actual size does not change with magnification. Magnification simply enlarges the image of the object, but the object itself remains the same size. Increasing the magnification allows us to see more detail of the object, not change its physical size.

Briefly explain how improvements in microscopes may have benefited scientists?

Improvements in microscopes have allowed scientists to visualize and study specimens at a higher resolution and magnification. This has enabled them to observe structures at a cellular and molecular level, leading to new discoveries in biology, medicine, and material science. Additionally, advancements in microscope technology have facilitated the development of techniques such as super-resolution microscopy and live cell imaging.

Explain the difference between a light scanning and electron microscope?

A light microscope uses visible light to illuminate a sample and magnify its image, making it suitable for observing living cells and larger biological structures. In contrast, an electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to create a highly detailed image of the sample at a much higher magnification, enabling the visualization of smaller structures such as viruses and proteins.

Which objective is always used to first locate an object on a microscope and explain why?

The low-power objective lens (usually 4x) is always used first to locate an object on a microscope. This objective lens provides a wider field of view and a lower magnification, making it easier to find and center the specimen before moving to higher magnifications.

Explain in brief different collision resolution methods?

collision resolution methods

Explain the relationship between the resolving power of the microscope and the wavelength of the light being used?

The resolving power of a microscope is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light being used. This means that as the wavelength of light decreases, the resolving power of the microscope increases. Shorter wavelengths can resolve smaller details, allowing for higher magnification and clearer images.

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It is generally better to have a telescope with high resolving power rather than high magnification. Resolving power determines the ability to distinguish fine details in an image, while magnification simply increases the size of the image. High resolving power provides sharper and more detailed images, making it more useful for observing faint or distant objects in the night sky.

What did a microscope look like?

i cant explain

How do you Explain acoustic how microscope works?

An acoustic microscope uses sound waves to produce high-resolution images of a material's internal structure by measuring variations in acoustic properties. The sound waves are focused on the material and the resulting echoes are analyzed to generate an image. This allows for non-destructive imaging of features that may not be visible with optical microscopes.

What are the two types of microscopes and explain one differences?

The to types of microscope are as following : 1. Simple microscope 2. compound microscope differences between these both is as following: simple microscope has one Len but compound microscope has two Len.