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A beach ball is more buoyant than a hammer and rock because it is made of materials that are less dense than water, allowing it to displace more water and float easier. In contrast, hammers and rocks are denser than water, causing them to sink instead of float. Buoyancy depends on the weight and volume of an object and the density of the fluid it is in.

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Q: Explain why a beach ball is more buoyant and a hammer and a rock is not?
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Why does an inflated beach ball pushed beneath the surface of water swiftly shoot above the water surface when released?

The beach ball is buoyant due to the air inside it, causing it to float. When the ball is pushed beneath the water surface, it experiences an upward buoyant force that increases as it goes deeper. When released, this buoyant force quickly propels the ball to the surface.

Why does a beach ball float on water?

Because a beachball is filled with air and that makes it buoyant.

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a beach ball may birst as the air pressure in it will expand.that is how a beach ball will birst.

How can a beach ball can float on water?

A beach ball can float on water because it is less dense than the water, due to the air trapped inside the ball. The buoyant force exerted by the water on the beach ball is greater than the force of gravity pulling it down, allowing the ball to float on the surface of the water.

What is something buoyant?

A beach ball is buoyant because it floats on water due to its low density and ability to displace water, creating an upward force known as buoyancy.

Why does a beach ball float when placed in water?

A beach ball floats in water because it is less dense than the water. The air inside the beach ball provides buoyancy, which helps it stay afloat. The buoyant force exerted by the water on the beach ball is greater than the force of gravity pulling it down, allowing it to float.

What are 2 buoyant objects?

A beach ball is a buoyant object because it is filled with air and has a lower density than water, allowing it to float on the surface. A life jacket is another buoyant object designed to help someone stay afloat in water by providing additional buoyancy.

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When the air inside the balloon is heated, it becomes less dense than the surrounding cooler air, causing the balloon to float upward. This is because the warmer air inside the balloon is lighter and creates a buoyant force that lifts the balloon.

Define buoyancy with a visual to the explanation?

Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object. Imagine placing a beach ball in a pool – the ball will float to the surface due to the buoyant force pushing it up.

What is ball peen hammer?

A ball-peen hammer is a hammer with a flat head and an opposite, rounded - peening - head.

What is a beach ball?

A beach ball is a large inflatable ball, which is ideally suited for playing games on the beach.