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To focus the image, you have to move the object

you are studying closer to or farther from the objective lens.

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1mo ago

Focusing in a microscope is achieved by adjusting the distance between the objective lens and the specimen. By moving the lens closer or farther away from the specimen, the light rays passing through the lens converge or diverge, resulting in a sharp image. The fine focus knob is used for precise adjustments to achieve a clear and crisp image of the specimen.

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Q: Explain how focussing occurs in a microscope?
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What happens to the image seen in a monocular microscopes when the slide is moved downwards?

When the slide is moved downwards in a monocular microscope, the image moves in the opposite direction, appearing to move upwards in the field of view. This occurs due to the physics of the lenses within the microscope that invert and reverse the image.

How does magnification occur in an electron microscope?

In an electron microscope, magnification occurs through the use of electromagnetic lenses that focus and control the electron beam. These lenses work similarly to optical lenses in light microscopes by bending and focusing the electrons to produce a magnified image of the sample. By controlling the electromagnetic fields within the lens, the electron microscope can achieve much higher magnification than a traditional light microscope.

How are reflection and refraction involved in how the microscope works?

In a microscope, reflection occurs when the light hits the specimen and bounces back, allowing us to see it. Refraction happens when light passes through the lenses of the microscope, bending the light rays to focus the image. Both reflection and refraction play crucial roles in forming a magnified image of the specimen being observed through a microscope.

What is the movement of the image when the slide on microscope is moved downwards?

When the slide on a microscope is moved downwards, the image viewed through the eyepiece moves in the opposite direction, appearing to move upwards. This occurs because the slide moves away from the objective lens, causing the light rays to converge at a different angle on the eyepiece.

What part of a microscope supports the weight of the microscope?

The base of a microscope supports the weight of the entire microscope. It provides stability and balance to prevent the microscope from tipping over during use.

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What did a microscope look like?

i cant explain

What are the two types of microscopes and explain one differences?

The to types of microscope are as following : 1. Simple microscope 2. compound microscope differences between these both is as following: simple microscope has one Len but compound microscope has two Len.

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An animal cell under an electron microscope will reveal various structures, including the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and cytoskeleton. The nucleus contains genetic material (DNA), the mitochondria produce energy, the endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes proteins, the Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins, lysosomes break down waste materials, and the cytoskeleton provides structure and support to the cell. These structures work together to maintain the cell's functions and integrity.

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i don't know beczuse it happen and you can explain it.

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Modern microscope that use lenses to bend?

Modern microscopes that use lenses to bend light include compound microscopes, which use multiple lenses to magnify the image of a specimen. These microscopes typically have a higher magnification than simple microscopes. The lenses in compound microscopes work together to focus the light from the specimen onto the eyepiece for viewing.

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Relief rainfall occurs when moist air is forced to rise over a mountain barrier. As the air rises, it cools and condenses to form clouds and eventually rain. The diagram would show warm, moist air approaching the mountain, rising, cooling, condensing, and then raining on the windward side of the mountain. The leeward side of the mountain would be in a rain shadow, receiving significantly less rainfall.

Explain why unicellular organisms are often called micro organisms?

because they are very tiny organisms only seen by a microscope.

Which phase of the cell cycle could you identify most readily with a light microscope Explain your answer?

The interphase stage of the cell cycle is the one that can be most readily identified with a light microscope. This is because during interphase, the cell is carrying out its normal functions and the nucleus is clearly visible. The chromosomes are in their extended form and not condensed as they are during mitosis, making them easier to observe under a light microscope.