An example that shows light travels faster than sound are:
- You see the lightning before you hear the thunder.
- You see the light coming from the lighthouse before you hear the foghorn.
Unless the storm is right overhead, you will see the lightning before you hear the thunder.
An experiment you can do to prove that light travels faster than sound is you can ask your friend to turn on a torch and make a huge noise at the same time from quite a distance from where you are standing. If you have a large distance between you and your friend, you will probably see the light before you hear the sound.
One example is watching a distant lightning strike - light reaches you instantly, while the sound of thunder takes longer to reach your ears. Another example is observing a supersonic aircraft - you see it before you hear the sonic boom it creates. Moreover, in everyday scenarios like a car honking in the distance, you can see the car before you hear the sound of the horn.
Light travels faster than sound. The speed of sound is approximately 330 metres per second - whereas the speed of light is 300,000 kilometres per second. A typical example would be a thunderstorm. You see the flash of lightning first - followed by the sound of thunder a few seconds later.
Light travels at approximately 3x108m/s whilst sound travels only at 343m/s. So which do you think is the faster one?
Light travels the fastest among sound, air, light, and water. In dry air, sound travels around 343 meters per second, while light travels at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, which is much faster. Water and air have slower speeds of sound compared to light.
No, sound is not faster than eyesight. Light travels faster than sound, with light moving at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum, compared to sound traveling at 343 meters per second in the air at room temperature.
Light travels at about 299,792 kilometers per second, while sound travels at about 343 meters per second. This means light travels approximately 874,600 times faster than sound.
* The speed of light in a vacuum, * The speed of sound,
lightning travels faster. Light is faster than sound.
Light travels faster.
Light appears lighter, and also travels faster, than sound.
no from what i have learned light travels faster then sound
Light travels at approximately 3x108m/s whilst sound travels only at 343m/s. So which do you think is the faster one?
Light is much faster then the speed of sound. Sound travels at a speed of about 768 Miles per hour, when light travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per SECOND.
Sound, Light....
Light travels the fastest among sound, air, light, and water. In dry air, sound travels around 343 meters per second, while light travels at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, which is much faster. Water and air have slower speeds of sound compared to light.
Light travels much, much faster than sound. Light travels at 299792458 m/s while sound only goes 340.29 m/s.
No, sound is not faster than eyesight. Light travels faster than sound, with light moving at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum, compared to sound traveling at 343 meters per second in the air at room temperature.
No. Light travels much faster than sound.