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Example based on conservation of charge :

Glass rod rubbed with silk: When a glass rod is rubbed with silk ,glass rod attains positive charge and silk acquires equal negative charge .Although positive and negative charge have been developed , the net charge on the system is zero , i.e., the same as was before rubbing .

NOTE: Rubbing does not create charge but only transfers heat it from one body to another. The charge that is gained by one body is lost by the other .Hence electric charge is conserved.

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When a neutral object gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged, as the total charge of the system remains constant. If a positively charged object loses electrons, it becomes positively charged to maintain the conservation of charge. This principle is essential for understanding how charge is transferred in various objects and systems while ensuring that total charge remains constant.

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How in law of conservation of charge the total charge on an isolated system remains constant and give with an example?

The law of conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in an isolated system remains constant over time. This means that no new charge can be created or destroyed, only transferred from one object to another. For example, in a closed system where positive charge is transferred from one object to another, the total positive charge in the system remains the same before and after the transfer.

Give 10 examples of conservation of charge?

When a negatively charged object transfers excess electrons to a neutral object, the total charge before and after remains the same. During a chemical reaction, the total charge of the reactants is equal to the total charge of the products. In an electric circuit, the total current entering a junction is equal to the total current leaving the junction, demonstrating conservation of charge. When a positively charged object is brought near a neutral object, charge is redistributed but the total charge remains constant. The process of charging by friction demonstrates conservation of charge, as charge is transferred between objects without being created or destroyed. The discharge of a capacitor involves conservation of charge as the total charge on the capacitor remains the same before and after discharge. Conservation of charge is observed in electrostatic precipitation systems, where particles acquire charge but the total charge in the system is conserved. In nuclear reactions, the sum of the charges of the particles before the reaction is equal to the sum of the charges of the particles after the reaction. When a conductor is grounded, excess charge is transferred to or from the ground, ensuring conservation of charge in the system. The concept of conservation of charge underlies the working of devices like photocopiers and inkjet printers, where charge is manipulated for image formation without violating the conservation law.

When two bodies are charged the total charge before and after charging remains the same because of?

the principle of conservation of charge. Charge is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transferred between objects. Therefore, the total charge before and after charging must remain the same.

What does the conservation of charge mean?

The conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant over time. This means that charge cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one object to another. It is a fundamental principle in physics that helps explain various electrical phenomena.

What is the principle of conservation of charge?

The principle of conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in a closed system remains constant over time. This means that charge can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred from one object to another. In any physical process, the total amount of charge before and after the process must be the same.

Related questions

How does the law of conservation apply to a game of pool?

There are several laws of conservation; please clarify which one you mean. For example, there is the law of conservation of mass, of energy, of momentum, of rotational momentum, of electrical charge, and others.

Is the law of conservation of charge the law of conservation of energy?

No, those are two separate conservation laws. Charge is not energy. They are entirely different things.

What does the law of conservation of change mean?

Not "change", but "charge". Conservation of charge means that the total charge in a closed system can't change.

Four physical quantities which have same dimensional formulae?

Conservation of Matter, Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Charge and Conservation of Momentum.

What does conservation of change mean?

Conservation of charge means that a net electric charge is not created or destroyed. This type of charge is instead transferred from one specific material to another.

What is the conservation?

That may refer to several unrelated concepts, mainly:* Conservation laws in physics, meaning that some amount doesn't change over time (for example mass, energy, electric charge, momentum, and several others) * Caring for something, so that it isn't wasted or destroyed, for example, "we should conserve water", or "environmental conservation".

How in law of conservation of charge the total charge on an isolated system remains constant and give with an example?

The law of conservation of charge states that the total electric charge in an isolated system remains constant over time. This means that no new charge can be created or destroyed, only transferred from one object to another. For example, in a closed system where positive charge is transferred from one object to another, the total positive charge in the system remains the same before and after the transfer.

KCL is a restatement of the law of conservation of charge?

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) is a fundamental principle in electrical circuit theory stating that the total current entering a node in a circuit is equal to the total current leaving the node. It is based on the law of conservation of charge, which states that charge can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred.

What will net charge of an ionic compounds formula unit?

The net charge of an ionic compound's formula unit is always zero. This is because the compound is made up of positively and negatively charged ions that balance each other out based on the law of conservation of charge.

What scientific law states that charges aren't created or destroyed?

[the law of conservation of energy]Wrong: The law of conservation of energy says that energycannot be created or destroyed. Do not change an answer unless you know the answer.The correct answer is the Law of Conservation of Charge, which states that the net charge of an isolated system remains constant.

Give 10 examples of conservation of charge?

When a negatively charged object transfers excess electrons to a neutral object, the total charge before and after remains the same. During a chemical reaction, the total charge of the reactants is equal to the total charge of the products. In an electric circuit, the total current entering a junction is equal to the total current leaving the junction, demonstrating conservation of charge. When a positively charged object is brought near a neutral object, charge is redistributed but the total charge remains constant. The process of charging by friction demonstrates conservation of charge, as charge is transferred between objects without being created or destroyed. The discharge of a capacitor involves conservation of charge as the total charge on the capacitor remains the same before and after discharge. Conservation of charge is observed in electrostatic precipitation systems, where particles acquire charge but the total charge in the system is conserved. In nuclear reactions, the sum of the charges of the particles before the reaction is equal to the sum of the charges of the particles after the reaction. When a conductor is grounded, excess charge is transferred to or from the ground, ensuring conservation of charge in the system. The concept of conservation of charge underlies the working of devices like photocopiers and inkjet printers, where charge is manipulated for image formation without violating the conservation law.

Conservation is a LAW therefore true but I want to know why it happens what is the theory that explains it?

You mention conservation in general; there are several conservation laws, like conservation of energy, of linear momentum, of rotational momentum, of electrical charge, and others. This is originally based on experience - for example, no cases are known where the linear momentum is violated. However, these conservation laws (or many of them?) can be explained with Noether's Theorem. This is some very advanced math (for me, at least), but basically, it states that for every symmetry in nature, there is a corresponding conservation law. For example, the fact that the laws of physics are the same today as a year ago (they don't change over time) is related to the Law of Conservation of Energy; the Law of Conservation of Momentum is related to a symmetry with respect to position (the laws of nature are the same here as on the Moon), and the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum is related to a symmetry with respect to rotation (if you rotate an experimental apparatus, the results won't change).