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This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

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Richard Grimes

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2y ago
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1mo ago

This is called displacement. When an object is placed in water, it displaces an amount of water equal to its own volume, which causes the water to be pushed aside.

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Q: Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if just a little bit. This is called .?
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What is it called when something in water pushes water aside?

This is called displacement, where an object submerged in water pushes water aside to make space for itself. This can be observed with objects like boats or swimmers in water.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if it's just a little bit This is called displacement?

Displacement is the action of pushing water aside when an object is placed in or on water. Even a small object will displace some water, causing it to move out of the way to accommodate the object. This principle is key in understanding how objects float in water.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if just a little bit. this is called?

This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if it's just a little bit this is called what?

This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

What is it called when something in water pushes some water aside?

That is known as displacement, where an object in water pushes aside a volume of water equal to its own volume to make room for itself. This principle is what allows objects to float or sink in water based on their density.

Related questions

What is it called when something in water pushes water aside?

This is called displacement, where an object submerged in water pushes water aside to make space for itself. This can be observed with objects like boats or swimmers in water.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if it's just a little bit This is called displacement?

Displacement is the action of pushing water aside when an object is placed in or on water. Even a small object will displace some water, causing it to move out of the way to accommodate the object. This principle is key in understanding how objects float in water.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if just a little bit. this is called?

This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if it's just a little bit this is called what?

This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

What is it called when something in water pushes some water aside?

That is known as displacement, where an object in water pushes aside a volume of water equal to its own volume to make room for itself. This principle is what allows objects to float or sink in water based on their density.

Everything in or on water pushes some water aside even if it's just a little bit What is this called?

This is called "displacement", as the weight of water that moves is equal to the weight of the object on the water. Heavier objects displace more water. If the total weight of the object is greater than the water displaced by its volume, it is denser than water, and sinks.

What occurs when an object in or on water pushes some water aside?

When an object in or on water pushes some water aside, it creates a displacement of water which produces a force known as buoyancy. This force acts in the opposite direction of gravity, causing the object to float or sink depending on its density compared to the water.

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I think she pushes Sandy aside and dances with Danny at the Dance Off

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Lots of Pokemon push away stones.... but they need to know the HM (hidden move) STRENGTH.

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Why a rock appears as less weight in water?

Because any object in water is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the water it displaces (pushes aside).

Is the bow of a boat a wedge?

Yes, the bow, or sometimes prow of a boat is a wedge. The wedge "parts" and "pushes aside" the water so that the boat can make way.