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Doubling the strip length of a bimetallic thermometer does not necessarily increase deflection. The deflection of a bimetallic strip is primarily determined by the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of the two metals in the strip and the temperature change. Other factors, such as thickness and width of the strip, also play a role in determining deflection.

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Q: Doubling the strip length of a bimetallic thermometer increase deflection?
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Why increasing temperature from 3degrees C to 6 degrees does not double temperature?

The increase from 3 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius represents an increase of 3 degrees, not doubling the temperature. Doubling the temperature would require an increase from 3 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius.

What happens to the thermometer when the temperature goes up?

When the temperature goes up, the mercury or alcohol inside the thermometer expands, causing the level to rise. This increase in volume is directly correlated with the increase in temperature, allowing the thermometer to indicate the higher temperature.

How do you increase the range of a thermometer?

To increase the range of a thermometer, you can use a thermometer with a wider temperature range or select a different type of thermometer that is capable of measuring higher or lower temperatures. Additionally, some digital thermometers allow you to switch between different units of measurement to expand their range.

What has a greater effect on an objects kinetic energy doubling its mass or doubling it's speed?

Doubling the speed of an object has a greater effect on its kinetic energy than doubling its mass. The kinetic energy of an object is proportional to the square of its speed, but only linearly related to its mass. Therefore, an increase in speed will have a greater impact on the object's kinetic energy.

How can you increase quickness of a thermometer?

You can increase the quickness of a thermometer by using a digital thermometer instead of a traditional mercury thermometer, as digital thermometers typically provide faster and more accurate readings. Additionally, keeping the thermometer sensor clean and in good condition can also help to improve its response time.

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Doubling the speed of an object results in a fourfold increase in kinetic energy, while doubling the mass only results in a doubling of kinetic energy. Therefore, doubling the speed will result in a bigger increase in kinetic energy compared to doubling the mass.

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Squaring. Doubling is only multiplying a number by 2, whereas, squaring is multiplying a number by itself :)

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the main causes of the inflation is increase in the percapita income and this results in increase in the standard of living of the people .. and the other one is increase in the percapita income in our country

Why increasing temperature from 3degrees C to 6 degrees does not double temperature?

The increase from 3 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius represents an increase of 3 degrees, not doubling the temperature. Doubling the temperature would require an increase from 3 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius.

Doubling the raduis of a sphere increase the surface area by a factor of?

By a factor of 22 = 4.

How does the temperature increase on a thermometer?

Temperature increase on a thermometer is typically indicated by the expansion of the liquid or mercury within the tube. As the temperature rises, the molecules in the liquid move faster, causing it to expand and rise up the scale on the thermometer. This expansion is calibrated to reflect the corresponding increase in temperature.

What happens to the thermometer when the temperature goes up?

When the temperature goes up, the mercury or alcohol inside the thermometer expands, causing the level to rise. This increase in volume is directly correlated with the increase in temperature, allowing the thermometer to indicate the higher temperature.

How do you increase the range of a thermometer?

To increase the range of a thermometer, you can use a thermometer with a wider temperature range or select a different type of thermometer that is capable of measuring higher or lower temperatures. Additionally, some digital thermometers allow you to switch between different units of measurement to expand their range.

What has a greater effect on an objects kinetic energy doubling its mass or doubling it's speed?

Doubling the speed of an object has a greater effect on its kinetic energy than doubling its mass. The kinetic energy of an object is proportional to the square of its speed, but only linearly related to its mass. Therefore, an increase in speed will have a greater impact on the object's kinetic energy.

How can you increase quickness of a thermometer?

You can increase the quickness of a thermometer by using a digital thermometer instead of a traditional mercury thermometer, as digital thermometers typically provide faster and more accurate readings. Additionally, keeping the thermometer sensor clean and in good condition can also help to improve its response time.

Does a clinical thermometer have a linear scale?

Yes, a clinical thermometer typically has a linear scale. This means that the temperature readings on the thermometer increase or decrease in a consistent and straight line fashion as the temperature changes.