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Yes, the position of the fulcrum affects the force required to lift a weight. Placing the fulcrum closer to the load reduces the effort needed to lift the weight. Conversely, placing the fulcrum further from the load increases the force needed to lift the weight.

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Q: Does the position of the fulcrum affect the force necessary to lift a weight?
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Do weights have to be equidistant from the fulcrum to make it even?

No, weights do not have to be equidistant from the fulcrum to achieve balance. The key factor is the product of the weight and its distance from the fulcrum being equal on both sides of the fulcrum, rather than the distances themselves being equal. This concept is described by the law of the lever, which states that the product of the weight and its distance from the fulcrum is the same on both sides for balance.

What part of a wheelbarrow is a fulcrum?

The wheel and axle on a wheelbarrow serve as the fulcrum, allowing for balanced movement and proper distribution of weight when lifting or moving objects.

What is the part of the lever that bears the weight to be lifted?

The part of the lever that bears the weight to be lifted is called the fulcrum. It acts as the pivot point around which the lever rotates to lift the load.

Would a 9-n force applied 2 meter from the fulcrum lift the weight?

Yes, the force applied is calculated by multiplying the force by the distance from the fulcrum. In this case, the torque applied would be 18 Nm (9 N * 2 m). Whether it is enough to lift the weight depends on the weight and the distance from the fulcrum at which it is placed.

Would a 9-N force applied 2 m from the fulcrum lift the weight?

Assuming the fulcrum is at the center, the weight would be lifted if the clockwise torque (force x distance) applied by the 9-N force is greater than the counterclockwise torque of the weight. If the weight is closer to the fulcrum, it may not be lifted, even with a 9-N force.

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Do weights have to be equidistant from the fulcrum to make the weight even?


Do weights have to be equidistant from the fulcrum to make it even?

No, weights do not have to be equidistant from the fulcrum to achieve balance. The key factor is the product of the weight and its distance from the fulcrum being equal on both sides of the fulcrum, rather than the distances themselves being equal. This concept is described by the law of the lever, which states that the product of the weight and its distance from the fulcrum is the same on both sides for balance.

What part of a wheelbarrow is a fulcrum?

The wheel and axle on a wheelbarrow serve as the fulcrum, allowing for balanced movement and proper distribution of weight when lifting or moving objects.

What is the part of the lever that bears the weight to be lifted?

The part of the lever that bears the weight to be lifted is called the fulcrum. It acts as the pivot point around which the lever rotates to lift the load.

Why is the fulcrum in pliers so close to the load?

Consider a wheelbarrow: When the weight is closer to the wheel, there is less load on the lever or handle. M = F*d Moment = Force x distance In this case, force is the mass of the object in the wheel barrow, and distance is distance from fulcrum. So, the smaller the distance, the lower the "moment" or lifting effort. When the distance = the length of the lever, you are basically lifting the entire force.

If you have a 9-N force 2m from the fulcrum can it lift the weight?

Yes, it can lift the weight if the weight is less than 9-N. This is because the force applied at a distance from the fulcrum creates a torque, and if the torque due to the force is greater than the torque due to the weight, the weight can be lifted.

Would a 9-n force applied 2 meter from the fulcrum lift the weight?

Yes, the force applied is calculated by multiplying the force by the distance from the fulcrum. In this case, the torque applied would be 18 Nm (9 N * 2 m). Whether it is enough to lift the weight depends on the weight and the distance from the fulcrum at which it is placed.

Would a 9-N force applied 2 m from the fulcrum lift the weight?

Assuming the fulcrum is at the center, the weight would be lifted if the clockwise torque (force x distance) applied by the 9-N force is greater than the counterclockwise torque of the weight. If the weight is closer to the fulcrum, it may not be lifted, even with a 9-N force.

What is located between the force and the weight on a first-class lever?


If an adult and child are on a seesaw with a movable fulcrum where should the fulcrum be moved to so that the child can lift the adult?

The fulcrum should be moved closer to the child in order for the child to lift the adult. Placing the fulcrum closer to the lighter weight (child) increases the mechanical advantage, allowing the child to exert a greater force and lift the heavier weight (adult).

What to parts are needed to make a lever?

a fulcrum is the part which balences it and the bar, put it on top of the fulcrum Force & Weight are the two parts needed to make a lever.