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Yes, the mass of the Earth stays relatively constant over time. It can change slightly due to factors like the accumulation of cosmic dust or loss of atmospheric gases, but these changes are minimal compared to the Earth's total mass.

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Q: Does the mass of the earth stay about the same?
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Why does mass of an object stay the same on earth?

The mass of an object remains constant on Earth because mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and this does not change based on the location or environment. Gravity affects weight, not mass, so an object's mass will stay the same regardless of where it is on Earth.

If your mass is 68 kg on earth your mass on mars would be?

Your mass would stay the same. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, so your mass would stay at 68kg.

Why will a person's mass never change whether they are on earth or on the moon?

Because mass is not the same as weight. Weight is mass times gravity so your weight will change if you are on the earth or moon but your mass will stay the same.

Does your mass increase decrease or stay the same if you so to Saturn?

Your mass will stay the same regardless of your location in the universe. Mass is a fundamental property of an object and does not change with location.

What iner planet has same mass as earth?

Venus has almost the same mass as Earth.

Does you mass always stay the same no matter what?

Yes, no gas is given off, therefore the mass of conversation will stay the same.

Earth had twice the present mass. Assume the properties stay the same. What would the acceleration of the more massive Earth due to the Sun compared to the present acceleration of earth from the Sun?

The acceleration of a body due to gravity is independent of its mass. So even if Earth had twice its present mass, the acceleration of the more massive Earth due to the Sun would be the same as the present acceleration of Earth from the Sun.

Does the earth and the moon have the same amount of mass?

No, the Earth has a much greater mass than the Moon. The Earth's mass is about 81 times greater than the Moon's mass.

What happens to weight and mass as you move away from earth's gravitational field?

weight is derived from gravity's effect upon mass. so your weight would decrease, however your mass would stay the same.

If you weigh less on the moon do you have less mass?

No, your mass remains the same regardless of the gravitational force acting on you. Weight is dependent on gravity and mass, so on the moon where gravity is weaker, you would weigh less compared to on Earth, but your mass would stay constant.

What would happen to your mass if you went to a planet with less gravity?

Your mass will stay the same. Mass is always the same no matter what.

How will weight and mass be affected while on the moon and on earth?

Weight depends on the gravitational pull of a celestial body, while mass remains constant. On the moon, gravitational force is weaker than on Earth, so your weight would be less on the moon compared to Earth. However, your mass would stay the same in both places.