

Does the bionic band work

Updated: 5/23/2024
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12y ago

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It worked for me. I didn't have a clue what it was and then a friend had me try it on to show me how it works.

If I knew what it was before doing the tests, then I would have just thought it was my mind compensating, but since I had no clue and it still worked like it said it would I was shocked!

I hope that helps answer you question, but the best thing to do is try in before buying!

Re: the above answer

The test results can be replicated by salesmen of all products claiming to increase balance, were used by practitioners of applied kineisiology for decades (and maybe still are) without the use of any band or other device, and were used in the 1890's in music halls.

The tests themselves are therefore flawed and not an accurate indicator of the efficacy of the band.

No other evidence is offered by the company to back up any of their claims, there is no scientific evidence that the band aligns your protons, no evidence that aligning protons would actually provide a benefit, not even independent double blind tests of their product using the tests they do.

In addition, it currently takes a MRI scanner weighing several tonnes and costing millions to align your protons, is it really believable based purely on the manufacturer saying so that the band does this?

The claim is that it is an expansion of Einstiens theory that a pierce of metal will pass it's frequency on to a body of water. The extrapolation is that since the body is 70% water this will happen with the body too. Really? Einstein used liquid and liquid only for his theory, and unless I have failed to notice something, my skin is not liquid. My skin is what the metal would come into contact with.

If the band does actually work, it is not due to the mechanism suggested by the manufacturers, it is not proven by any of the tests they have made public, and it deserves the the Nobel prize for achieving something previously only achieved by a several tonne multi-million pound machine.

The testing I have been doing has included more than 20 subjects specifically to do with pain relief. All of these people that were given a Bionic Band and have been in pain for atleast 6 months or more, half of them being prescibed pain medication from a doctor.

All but two of them experienced pain relief within a maximum of 4 days, the shortest time period being 3 hours. The pain included: Carpo tunnel syndrome, knee pain, shoulder pain, arthritic pain, arm pain from operation, Back pain, arches in feet and joint pain.

The people that were using doctor prescribed meds and stopped taking the meds reported many other benefits from not having the side effects from the drugs.

Other benefits included balance from Vertigo, increased energy, better sleeps, and vivid dreams. Not to mention the better attitude towards life from not having to experience pain all the time.

Dustin Lenin - My father worked for Bionic Band and gave me a couple. Not sure if they are legit or it is just the placebo effect, but it certainly had an effect on me.

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1mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that bionic bands provide any physical benefits. Many experts consider them to be a pseudoscientific product that relies more on placebo effect than actual science. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using any new health or wellness product.

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