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Space is mostly a vacuum, so it doesn't have a medium in the traditional sense like air or water. However, space does contain particles like gas and dust, and even light, magnetic fields, and gravitational waves propagate through it. So while space itself isn't a medium, it can still carry and transmit various forms of energy and matter.

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Q: Does space have a medium
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What can travel through space without a(n) medium?

Electromagnetic waves can travel through space without a medium.

Do X rays require a medium?

X-rays are electromagnetic waves, so they can travel in empty space. (Space itself is the "medium" in this case.)

Can sound exist in space outside of the space shuttle?

Sound requires a medium to be transported from one point to another. On earth, that is normally the air. In space, which is a vacuum, no sound is heard, as there is no medium to transport it.

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Sound waves require a medium to travel through to propagate from point A to point B. In space there is no such medium, so sound does not travel in space.

Why does sound not travel through space?

Sound does move through space. It doesn't move though empty space, i.e. a vaccuum. In outer space there is a vaccuum (though not necessarily a perfect vaccuum).Sound is caused by vibrations in a medium such as air (or water or wood). These vibrations compress and rarefy the medium. The vibrations move through the medium as waves.In a vaccuum, there is no medium thus there is no sound.

Why is it impossible for sound to travel through outer space?

Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or solid surfaces, to travel through. In outer space, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, so sound cannot propagate in the vacuum of space.

Why can't conduction and convection occur in space like radiation?

Conduction and convection require a medium to transfer heat, but space is a vacuum so there is no medium for these processes to occur. Radiation, on the other hand, can occur in the vacuum of space because it does not need a medium to transfer heat energy.

How do waves transmit energy while there is no medium for propagation?

In a way, they don't. There is always a medium; though for some waves, this medium can be empty space.

What can transfer energy without a medium?

Electromagnetic waves, however, in fact the medium for the transmission of electromagnet waves is space, so there really is a medium.

Can you hear anything in outer space?

No, sound cannot travel through the vacuum of space because it requires a medium, such as air or water, to propagate. Astronauts can hear inside their spacecrafts where there is air, but they cannot hear anything outside in the vacuum of space.

What is the velocity of light in space compared to that in a denser medium?

The speed of light and all other electromagnetic wavelengths in vacuum (empty space) is higher than in any other medium.

Can Seismic waves travel through space?

No, seismic waves cannot travel through space because they are mechanical waves that require a medium, like solid, liquid, or gas, to propagate. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium for seismic waves to travel through.