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Yes sound does have particles.

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4mo ago

Sound is a wave phenomenon caused by the vibration of molecules in a medium like air, water, or solid materials. It does not consist of particles like atoms or molecules. Instead, sound energy is transmitted through the medium by the successive collisions of molecules that pass vibrations from one to the next.

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Q: Does sound have particles
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Are air particles of sound far apart or close together?

high sound particles are near, and low sound as far apart particles.

Why cant sound travel through outer?

Sound, unlike light, needs a medium through which to travel. Sound relies on vibrating molecules or particles. Sound can travel through air at about 3 km/s as it vibrates particles and then the neighbouring particles etc. but it can travel much faster through steel because the particles are much more tightly packed.In outer space there are not enough particles to vibrate, no neighbouring particles for the very few particles that are there. No particles means that there is no sound.

Are particles of matter carried along with a sound wave?

No, particles of matter are not carried along with a sound wave. Sound waves are created by the vibration of particles within a medium, which then pass the energy along through compression and rarefaction of the medium's particles. However, the particles themselves do not travel with the sound wave.

What is needed for a sound to travel?

Particles, e.g gas particles in air, because sound travels through the vibration of particles. Sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum, as there are no particles.

What happens to a sound wave if there are no particles to vibrate?

Without particles to vibrate, sound waves cannot propagate since they rely on the transfer of energy through particles. In a vacuum or empty space, there are no particles for sound waves to travel through, so they cannot be transmitted.

How is sound energy carried from one place to another?

Sound is, in its most basic form, a vibration of particles. Sound energy, then, is carried from one place to another by the transmission of vibrations from particles to surrounding particles.

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

When particles spread?

Sound does not spread out in particles but in waves. Imagine dropping a pebble in a still lake...and that is how sound waves spread out. Sound waves can also reverberate through harder materials; however, soft materials absorb the vibrations.

Do vibrating particles make up sound?

Yes, vibrating particles create sound waves. As an object vibrates, it causes nearby air particles to also vibrate, creating compressions and rarefactions that propagate as sound waves. Our ears detect these sound waves and process them as sound.

What is the result of vibrating particles in matter?

The result of vibrating particles in matter is the generation of sound waves. As particles vibrate, they transfer energy to neighboring particles, causing a chain reaction that creates a disturbance in the surrounding medium, leading to the transmission of sound.

Does sound need particles to travel?

No, sound does not need particles to travel. Sound is a mechanical wave that can propagate through different mediums, including solids, liquids, and gases. The particles in the medium vibrate and transfer the sound energy from one particle to the next, allowing the sound wave to travel.

Is sound and light are made up of particles?

No because sound and light are created and you can not create something that is made up of particles