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yes it does.

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Yes, when lightning strikes, it can generate a magnetic field due to the flow of electrical current in the lightning bolt. This magnetic field is temporary and can be detected by sensitive instruments near the point of the strike.

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Q: Does lightning generate a magnetic field?
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Does lightning produces magnetic field?

Yes, The movement of electrical charges produces a magnetic field

Would an asteroid fragment generate a magnetic field when entering the earth's atmosphere?

No, an asteroid fragment would not generate a magnetic field when entering Earth's atmosphere. Its passage through the atmosphere would likely generate heat and light due to friction with the air, but it would not create a magnetic field.

Does a wire with no current have a magnetic field?

Yes, a wire with no current flowing through it does not produce a magnetic field. Current flow is required to generate a magnetic field around a wire.

Does your electricity comes from lightning in the sky?

No It Comes From The Magnetic Field In The Atmoshere

Can an electric current generate an electromagnetic wave?

Yes, an electric current can generate an electromagnetic wave. When an electric current flows through a conductor, it creates a magnetic field around the conductor. This changing magnetic field then generates an electromagnetic wave, which consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields propagating through space.

Where does the earths magnetic field originated from?

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the the Earth's spin and the fact that it has molten iron in its core. When convecting molten metals spin they generate electric currents and with these a magnetic field.

When does a copper wire produce a magnetic field?

A copper wire produces a magnetic field when an electric current flows through it. This is due to the interaction between the moving electrons in the wire and the magnetic field they generate.

Do lithium batteries have a magnetic field?

Lithium batteries do not produce a magnetic field as they generate power through chemical reactions instead of electromagnetic processes.

Is soft iron magnetic?

Yes, soft iron is magnetic. Soft iron has high magnetic permeability, which means it can easily generate a magnetic field when exposed to an external magnetic field. However, soft iron loses its magnetism once the external magnetic field is removed.

Is the moon not magnetic electromagnet or permnanetmagnet?

The moon does not generate its own magnetic field like Earth does. The moon is considered non-magnetic because it lacks a global magnetic field that is generated by a planetary dynamo.

Why can an electric current create a magnetic field?

An electric current creates a magnetic field because moving charges generate a magnetic field around them according to the right-hand rule. This magnetic field is perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the surrounding space. The strength of the magnetic field is dependent on the magnitude of the current.

An objects ability to generate a magnetic field depends on its?

An object's ability to generate a magnetic field depends on the alignment of its internal magnetic domains or the flow of electric current within it. This can be influenced by factors such as the material it is made of and whether it is exposed to an external magnetic field.