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Light makes shadows weaker by illuminating the area where shadows would normally be cast. The intensity of the light source can affect the darkness and sharpness of the shadow. More light will result in a lighter, less defined shadow, while less light will result in a darker, more defined shadow.

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Q: Does light make shadows weaker or stronger?
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How do you make an electromagnet stronger or weaker?

To make an electromagnet stronger, increase the number of turns in the coil, use a stronger magnetic core material, and increase the current flowing through the coil. To make it weaker, decrease the number of turns in the coil, use a weaker magnetic core material, or reduce the current flowing through the coil.

Why do objects make shadows?

Objects make shadows when they block light from a light source. Light travels in straight lines and when an object blocks the path of the light, a shadow is formed on the surface behind the object where the light cannot reach.

How do you make a electromagnet stronger and weaker?

To make an electromagnet stronger, you can increase the number of coils in the wire and/or increase the current running through the wire. To make it weaker, you can decrease the number of coils and/or decrease the current. Additionally, using a core material like iron can also help increase the strength of the magnetic field.

Does love make you stronger or weaker?

Love can make you feel stronger and more resilient, as it can bring support and motivation to overcome challenges. However, it can also make you feel vulnerable and exposed, as it involves opening up your heart to another person. Ultimately, the impact of love on strength or weakness depends on the individual and the dynamics of the relationship.

When will multiple shadows form?

Multiple shadows can form when there are multiple light sources or when there are multiple objects blocking the light source. These shadows usually appear when light is coming from different directions or when light is blocked at different points along the pathway.

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No asthma makes your lungs weaker-the worse your asthma the weaker your lungs.

How do you make an electromagnet stronger or weaker?

To make an electromagnet stronger, increase the number of turns in the coil, use a stronger magnetic core material, and increase the current flowing through the coil. To make it weaker, decrease the number of turns in the coil, use a weaker magnetic core material, or reduce the current flowing through the coil.

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It depends on what you class as stronger. She made England politically stronger by defeating the world's most powerful country, Spain, but during that she lost a few ships and soldiers which made them very slightly militarily weaker.

Why do objects make shadows?

Objects make shadows when they block light from a light source. Light travels in straight lines and when an object blocks the path of the light, a shadow is formed on the surface behind the object where the light cannot reach.

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Christianity did not make the Roman Empire stronger. The Later Empire became weaker and its western part fell under the invasions by the Germanic peoples.

Why do some objects make light shadows and some objects make dark shadows?

a giant bull mmade of john cenas head