

Is air gravity

Updated: 5/23/2024
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14y ago

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Yes it does, Gravity has an effect on anything with mass!

even a single attom. air even though it is invisible doesnt mean that there is nothing there you are moving around atoms of O2 and CO2

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14y ago
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4mo ago

No, air is a mixture of gases that comprises the Earth's atmosphere. Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. Air is subject to the force of gravity, which is why it remains close to the Earth's surface.

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14y ago

No… Gravity is the natural forces of attraction objects of mass have for each other.

In outer space (where there is no air) gravitational pull is lessened because objects are too far away form a gravity source for it to have effect on them. One rule of gravity is that two differently weighted objects, dropped at the same time, in a vacuum, will hit the ground at the same time. Scientists have proven this, by placing heavy and light objects in a vacuum chamber, taking out all of the air, and then dropping them. They found that a feather will fall at the same rate as 100 lbs of lead, because there is no air resistance to slow the objects down.
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15y ago

I believe the answer is YES! Answer:

It is fairly common knowledge that the air is denser (thicker) nearer the ground than higher in the sky. This is due to the effect of gravity on the air molecules (nitrogen, oxygen and argon). The closer anything is to the center of the mass attracting it, the stronger the gravitational attraction. If air was not attracted by gravity it would have dissipated into space long ago.


Also, atmosphere is created by this gravitational attraction as mentioned earlier about the decreasing density has we increase height about the ground.

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16y ago

Gravity affects all matter, including gases. When gravity affects a gas, it reacts differently depending on its temperature. When air heats, it rises, when it cools, it sinks.

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16y ago

yes , because if there was no gravity on earth all the rubbish and dirt would be floating around

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14y ago

No, air is not gravity. Gravity is gravity, and air is air. You can have air without gravity, and you can have gravity without air. On Earth's surface we have both air and gravity.

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14y ago

Gravity makes the air stay close to Earth.

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How does air effect gravity?

Air does not affect gravity directly, as gravity is a force of attraction between objects with mass. However, air resistance can have an impact on the motion of objects falling through the air, as it opposes the force of gravity and can slow down the object's descent.

Does air pressure affect gravity?

Air pressure does not directly affect gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that acts uniformly on all objects regardless of air pressure. However, changes in air pressure can influence the density of the air, which may indirectly affect the behavior of objects falling through the atmosphere due to air resistance.

What force is stronger gravity or air resistance?

Gravity is typically stronger than air resistance. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards each other, whereas air resistance is a type of friction that opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. This means that in most cases, gravity will have a greater impact on the motion of an object compared to air resistance.

Is air resistance a form of gravity?

No, air resistance is not a form of gravity. Air resistance is a type of friction that acts on objects moving through the air, slowing them down. Gravity, on the other hand, is the force of attraction between objects with mass.

Why does Air stay within the Atmosphere - solid and liquid are pulled by gravity BUT i don't agree Air is pulled by gravity?

Air molecules are indeed affected by gravity, which causes them to be pulled towards the Earth's surface. However, the reason why the atmosphere as a whole doesn't escape into space is because of its mass. The Earth's gravity is strong enough to hold the air molecules close to the surface, creating our atmosphere.

Related questions

How does air effect gravity?

Air does not affect gravity directly, as gravity is a force of attraction between objects with mass. However, air resistance can have an impact on the motion of objects falling through the air, as it opposes the force of gravity and can slow down the object's descent.

Doea gravity affect the air that we breath in?

Yes. Without gravity, we would have NO air to breathe.

Does gravity affect the air we breathe?

Yes, gravity affects the air that we breathe. That is why it is harder to breathe when we go up high mountains. There is less air there. Without gravity, the air would float off into space, just as we would.

How does the earth's gravity hold air around the planet?

The Earth's gravity pulls the air towards it, creating atmospheric pressure that holds the air in place. This pressure decreases with altitude, which is why the air thins out the higher you go. This balance between gravity and atmospheric pressure is what keeps the air around the planet.

Does air pressure affect gravity?

Air pressure does not directly affect gravity. Gravity is a fundamental force that acts uniformly on all objects regardless of air pressure. However, changes in air pressure can influence the density of the air, which may indirectly affect the behavior of objects falling through the atmosphere due to air resistance.

Is it the air pressure that keeps us on the ground or is it gravity?

It is gravity.

What force is stronger gravity or air resistance?

Gravity is typically stronger than air resistance. Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls objects towards each other, whereas air resistance is a type of friction that opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. This means that in most cases, gravity will have a greater impact on the motion of an object compared to air resistance.

How gravity can have air friction?

It does not.

Is air resistance a form of gravity?

No, air resistance is not a form of gravity. Air resistance is a type of friction that acts on objects moving through the air, slowing them down. Gravity, on the other hand, is the force of attraction between objects with mass.

Will you find gravity water and air on the moon?

The moon does have gravity, it is 1/6 that of the earth's. However the moon does not have water or air. There is no atmosphere to hold the air in.

How is gravity used in gymnastics?

Gravity is not "used". In gymnastics, gymnasts almost defy-gravity by flipping in the air but have no control of what gravity does.

Why is there no gravity or air in space?

These two are tied together. There is nowhere in the universe in which there are no gravity since the range of gravity is infinite. But Gravity gets weaker as get farther away, and therefore if you move far away enough, it would feel like there is no gravity. The reason why there is no air in space is that gravity attracts air, and without any gravity, all the atoms will either just slowly move around or just create their own gravity.