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Yes, electricity can travel through your body if you come into contact with an electrical source. This can happen when you touch a live wire or an electrically charged object. The electrical current can flow through your body and cause injury or harm.

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Q: Does electrcity travel through your body?
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What are the characteristics of body waves?

Body waves are seismic waves that travel through the Earth's interior. They include Primary (P-waves), which are compressional waves that travel through solids, liquids, and gases, and Secondary (S-waves), which are shear waves that only travel through solids. Body waves are responsible for the initial shaking felt during an earthquake.

What substances can body waves move through?

Body waves can move through solids, liquids, and gases. Primary (P) waves can travel through all three mediums, while secondary (S) waves can only travel through solids. Love and Rayleigh waves are surface waves that travel along the boundary of solids, such as the Earth's crust.

Why can electricity travel easily through humans?

Electricity can easily travel through humans because the human body is made up of mostly water and electrolytes, which are good conductors of electricity. When an electrical current enters the body, it can travel through the nervous system and muscles, sometimes causing injury or even death.

How long does it take for gas to travel through the body?

Gas can travel through the body relatively quickly, typically within a few hours. The exact time can vary depending on the type of gas ingested and individual factors such as metabolism and digestive health.

Are surface waves higher or lower frequency than body waves?

Surface waves have lower frequency than body waves. Surface waves travel along the Earth's surface and cause the ground to shake in a rolling motion, while body waves travel through the Earth's interior and can travel at higher frequencies.

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How fast does electrcity travel?

186,000 miles per second

Does electrcity travel in space?

Electricity, as used by us in such things as our computers and TVs etc, requires a conductor. It is the movement of electrons along that conductor which most people call electricity. This cannot travel through space. However electricity is also a part of and related to the electromagnetic spectrum which can travel through space.

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it travels through your body because it does.

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Assuming you mean through the victim's body - it travels through the bloodstream.

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