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Yes, color can affect heat and light reflection and retention. Light-colored surfaces tend to reflect more heat and light compared to dark-colored surfaces, which absorb more heat and light. This is why wearing light-colored clothing in hot weather can help keep you cooler.

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Q: Does colour affect heat or light reflection and retention?
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Does the texture of a surface affect if there is a type of reflection off that surface?

Yes, the texture of a surface can affect the type of reflection. A smooth surface typically produces a regular reflection, where light rays reflect at the same angle they hit the surface. In contrast, a rough surface can cause diffuse reflection, where light rays scatter in various directions due to the uneven surface.

What does it mean when you aren't wearing any sunglasses but your reflection in the mirror is?

It could be a play of light tricking your eyes or a reflection from another surface. Sunglasses do not have a presence of their own to affect your reflection.

What is the difference between reflection and absorption?

Reflection occurs when light or sound bounces off a surface and changes direction, while absorption involves the absorption of light or sound waves by a material. In reflection, the energy is not absorbed by the surface, whereas in absorption, the energy is taken in by the material.

What happens to the reflected of light when the screen is tilted light.?

When a screen is tilted, the angle of reflection of light also changes. The angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence measured from the normal line. Tilting the screen can affect the direction in which the reflected light is seen by an observer.

Does diffused reflection mean the faliure of the laws of reflection?

No, diffused reflection does not mean the failure of the laws of reflection. Diffused reflection occurs when light rays are scattered in many directions from a rough surface, causing diffuse reflection instead of a clear, focused reflection. The laws of reflection still hold true in diffused reflection, but the surface properties affect how the light is reflected.

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Does color of a mirror affect its reflection of light?

No, the color of a mirror does not affect it's reflection of light.

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Do curtain colours affect heat and light reflection or attention?

Yes, it does.

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It alters the energy and colour of the light.

How many colours to make white colour?

White is not a colour ... it is the absence of all color. White is a mixture of all coloured light, all colours are a reflection of light. The first thing to disappear when the light goes down is colour. In total darkness there is no light to reflect.

What two light rays does the law of reflection involve?

In doesn't affect how sad you are :)

What is the difference between absorption and reflection?

Reflection is when a wave of light bounces away from the material, depending on the material it may maintain its strength. However absorbtion is when the beam of light hits a material and does not bounce back. To explain why light does not bounce back (becomes absorbed) you will need to know about the colour spectrum. A wave of white light contains, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Certain coloured materials will absorb and reflect certain colours of the colour spectum. So say we aim our wave of light at a black filter. Black will absorb every colour in the colour spectum, thus not allowing for any reflection.

Does the texture of a surface affect if there is a type of reflection off that surface?

Yes, the texture of a surface can affect the type of reflection. A smooth surface typically produces a regular reflection, where light rays reflect at the same angle they hit the surface. In contrast, a rough surface can cause diffuse reflection, where light rays scatter in various directions due to the uneven surface.

What does it mean when you aren't wearing any sunglasses but your reflection in the mirror is?

It could be a play of light tricking your eyes or a reflection from another surface. Sunglasses do not have a presence of their own to affect your reflection.

What is the difference between reflection and absorption?

Reflection occurs when light or sound bounces off a surface and changes direction, while absorption involves the absorption of light or sound waves by a material. In reflection, the energy is not absorbed by the surface, whereas in absorption, the energy is taken in by the material.

Why does cmyk make the colors go dull?

well, let me try to explain the answer i am sure that you will reach to the answer... RGB and CMYK are different colour system. RGB Stands accordingly as Red, Green and Blue and CMYK stands accordingly as Cyan, Meganta, Yellow and Black. * RBG colour system is based on "The colour of light Rays" and * CMYK colour system is based on "The Reflection of light Rays" The Reflection of light is always dull than actual light so CMYK make the colors go dull.... -

What colour is glass?

Glass itself does not have a color, it appears transparent or colorless. The colors we see in glass are due to impurities or additives added during production.