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It depends what way. Aroma will go upward faster in hot air, whilst cold air will keep it closer to the ground.

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1mo ago

Aroma molecules travel faster in hot air because the heat causes the molecules to move more rapidly and spread out faster. In cold air, the molecules move slower and spread more slowly, resulting in a slower dispersion of the aroma.

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it travels faster in warner air since cold particles dont move very fast because they do not have much energy. then when warm air enters the particles they start moving faster and vibrating faster which moves sound along alot faster. hope this helps :).

Does sound travel faster in warm or cold air and why?

Sound travels faster in warm air because the molecules are more spread out, allowing sound waves to move more quickly. In cold air, molecules are closer together, which slows down the transmission of sound waves.

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Sound typically travels faster in warm air compared to cold air. This is because the speed of sound is directly proportional to the temperature of the air. Warm air molecules move faster, allowing sound waves to propagate more quickly.

Does sound travel faster in cold air or hot air?

The speed of sound in air is given by the formula cair = 331.3 + (0.66 x T) m/s, where T is the temperature in °C. What that equation says is that the warmer air is, the faster sound waves travel in it. Wikipedia has particulars in a post on the speed of sound, and you've got a link to that article. Surf on over and check it out.

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No, the speed of sound in a medium like air is determined by the temperature of the air, not the frequency of the sound. In general, sound travels faster in warm air than in cool air because the molecules in warm air move faster and can transmit sound waves more quickly.

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