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true! An electrical field becomes weaker.

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4mo ago

Yes, the strength of an electric field decreases as the distance from the electron increases. This is governed by the inverse square law, which states that the electric field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

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Q: Does an electrical field become weaker as distance from the electron increases?
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Mobility of electron Increases as temperature increases?

As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of electrons also increases, leading to greater mobility. This increased mobility allows electrons to move more freely through a material, resulting in higher electrical conductivity. Conversely, a decrease in temperature reduces electron mobility due to lower kinetic energy.

Why does sound become fainter as the distance from the source increases?

Sound becomes fainter as distance from the source increases due to the spreading out of sound waves in all directions. This causes the energy of the sound waves to be distributed over a larger area, resulting in less intensity and lower volume at a greater distance from the source.

How does the interference pattern change as the wavelength changes?

As the wavelength increases, the interference fringes become more spread out and the distance between them increases. Conversely, as the wavelength decreases, the interference fringes become more closely packed together. The specific pattern will depend on the ratio of the wavelength to the distance between the two slits.

What is the separation between these two charges?

The separation between two charges refers to the distance between their centers. It is the distance that determines the strength of the electric force between them, with the force decreasing as the separation increases.

How does the distance between a light source and an opaque object affect a shadow?

The closer the light source is to the object, the more defined and sharp the shadow will be. As the distance increases, the shadow will become less defined and more diffuse. This is because the light rays spread out more as they travel a longer distance.

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As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of electrons also increases, leading to greater mobility. This increased mobility allows electrons to move more freely through a material, resulting in higher electrical conductivity. Conversely, a decrease in temperature reduces electron mobility due to lower kinetic energy.

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They become anions, with negative electrical charge.

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Why does an object that acquires an excess of electrons become a negatively charged object?

Because the electron is a particle with an electrical negative charge.

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The electrical charge of a sodium atom that loses an electron would be +1. This is because sodium has 11 protons and normally 11 electrons, but losing one electron would result in 10 electrons, giving it a net positive charge of +1.

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