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Yes, an electric field exerts a force on a beam of moving electrons. The force exerted on the electrons by the electric field causes them to accelerate in the direction of the field. This acceleration can be measured and explained using Coulomb's law and the equation for the force on a charged particle in an electric field.

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Q: Does an electric field exert a force on a beam of moving electrons?
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How moving electrons of space is being deflected by an electric field?

When an electric field is applied to moving electrons in space, the field exerts a force on the electrons due to their charge. This force causes the electrons to deviate from their original path and change direction. The amount of deflection depends on the strength of the electric field and the velocity of the electrons.

Can moving electrons through a magnetic field can produce an electric current?

Yes, a moving electron in a magnetic field can induce an electric current. This is the principle behind electromagnetic induction, where a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor.

What is magnetic field made up of?

A magnetic field is primarily made up of electromagnetic force lines that exert an attractive or repulsive force on magnetic materials. This field is generated by moving electric charges, such as electrons moving through a wire or the motion of Earth's molten iron core.

What causes an electric current to keep moving?

An electric current keeps moving because of the presence of an electric field. The electric field exerts a force on the charged particles (usually electrons) in the conductor, causing them to continue moving. In a closed circuit, the movement of electrons from the negative to the positive terminal of the power source ensures a continuous flow of current.

What electric field parallel or anti parallel to the electric dipole?

An electric field parallel to an electric dipole will exert a torque on the dipole, causing it to align with the field. An electric field anti-parallel to an electric dipole will also exert a torque on the dipole, causing it to rotate and align with the field in the opposite direction.

Related questions

How moving electrons of space is being deflected by an electric field?

When an electric field is applied to moving electrons in space, the field exerts a force on the electrons due to their charge. This force causes the electrons to deviate from their original path and change direction. The amount of deflection depends on the strength of the electric field and the velocity of the electrons.

Can moving electrons through a magnetic field can produce an electric current?

Yes, a moving electron in a magnetic field can induce an electric current. This is the principle behind electromagnetic induction, where a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor.

What is magnetic field made up of?

A magnetic field is primarily made up of electromagnetic force lines that exert an attractive or repulsive force on magnetic materials. This field is generated by moving electric charges, such as electrons moving through a wire or the motion of Earth's molten iron core.

What causes an electric current to keep moving?

An electric current keeps moving because of the presence of an electric field. The electric field exerts a force on the charged particles (usually electrons) in the conductor, causing them to continue moving. In a closed circuit, the movement of electrons from the negative to the positive terminal of the power source ensures a continuous flow of current.

Can an electric current exert a force on a magnet?

In a conductor - only if the field is moving, thus changing.

What electric field parallel or anti parallel to the electric dipole?

An electric field parallel to an electric dipole will exert a torque on the dipole, causing it to align with the field. An electric field anti-parallel to an electric dipole will also exert a torque on the dipole, causing it to rotate and align with the field in the opposite direction.

In solid Conductors Electric current is the flow of?

In solid conductors, electric current is the flow of electrons moving through the material. These electrons move in a coordinated manner in response to an applied electric field, creating the flow of current.

What electric current in a metal consist of moving?

Electric current in a metal consists of moving electrons, which are negatively charged particles that flow in response to an applied electric field. These electrons move through the metal's lattice structure, transferring energy and producing electrical conductivity.

How do electric currents and magnets exert forces on each other?

When an electric current flows through a conductor, it creates a magnetic field around it. This magnetic field can exert a force on nearby magnets or other currents. Similarly, a moving magnet can induce an electric current in a conductor, which also creates an interaction between the two. This phenomenon is described by the principles of electromagnetism.

Why there is no current established in a conductor in the absence of electric field although a large number of free electron are moving with high speed?

In the absence of an electric field, the motion of individual free electrons in a conductor is random, leading to no net movement of charge in any particular direction. While there are numerous free electrons moving rapidly, their overall movement cancels out due to their random distribution and velocities. Only when an external electric field is applied, which imparts a directional force on the electrons, does a net movement of charge occur, resulting in an electric current.

What effect does electric field have on a proton?

An electric field will exert a force on a proton due to its positive charge. The proton will experience a force in the direction of the electric field if the field is uniform, causing it to accelerate in that direction.

What exerts the magnetic force?

The magnetic force is exerted by moving electric charges, such as electrons. When these charges move, they create a magnetic field. This magnetic field can interact with other moving charges to produce a force.