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No it would have a lower terminal velocity as there would be more air resistance acting upon it

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4mo ago

Not necessarily. Terminal velocity depends on a combination of factors like weight, drag coefficient, and surface area. So while a larger sphere may experience more air resistance due to its increased surface area, it might also be heavier, which can offset this effect.

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Q: Does a larger sphere have a higher terminal velocity?
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What is the terminal velocity for a falling egg?

The terminal velocity for a falling egg is approximately 25-30 miles per hour or 40-48 kilometers per hour. At this speed, the force of air resistance on the egg equals the force of gravity acting on it, resulting in a constant speed of descent.

Will a solid metal sphere hold a larger electric charge then a hollow sphere of the same diameter and where does the charge reside in each case?

No, a hollow sphere can hold a larger electric charge compared to a solid sphere of the same diameter because the charge resides on the outer surface in both cases. In a hollow sphere, the charge distributes uniformly on the outer surface, allowing it to hold more charge without experiencing as much repulsion between like charges as a solid sphere.

Why does the sphere moving in a fluid become uniform after certain time?

The motion of a sphere in fluid becomes uniform over time due to the balance between gravitational forces and fluid resistance. As the sphere moves, the fluid creates a drag force that eventually equals the gravitational force acting on the sphere. This equilibrium causes the sphere to move at a constant velocity, resulting in a uniform motion.

Why different sized metal spheres used in determining the coefficient of viscosity of oil?

Different sized metal spheres are used to determine the coefficient of viscosity of oil because the size of the sphere affects the rate at which it falls through the oil. By using spheres of different sizes, we can better understand how viscosity affects the motion of objects through the fluid. This information helps in accurately determining the coefficient of viscosity of the oil.

Why in coulomb's law for charges force is inversely proportional to square of distance between charges?

The inverse square law in Coulomb's law results from the spread of electrical field lines in three-dimensional space. As the distance between charges increases, the field lines originating from one charge become distributed over the surface area of an expanding sphere. This results in the density of field lines decreasing as the square of the distance, leading to the force between charges decreasing proportionally.

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It is because the bigger sphere is bigger.

What is the terminal velocity for a falling egg?

The terminal velocity for a falling egg is approximately 25-30 miles per hour or 40-48 kilometers per hour. At this speed, the force of air resistance on the egg equals the force of gravity acting on it, resulting in a constant speed of descent.

What is the total energy of a rolling solid sphere?

The total energy of a rolling solid sphere is the sum of its kinetic energy and its rotational energy. The kinetic energy of the sphere is given by 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the sphere and v is its linear velocity. The rotational energy is given by 1/2 * I * w^2, where I is the moment of inertia of the sphere and w is its angular velocity.

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Independent of what? A stronger magnet will obviously have a larger "sphere of influence".

Suppose the sphere below with radius r has a surface area equal to 45 units 2 Find the surface area of the sphere with twice the radius'?

The area of a sphere is given by the formula A = 4πr² A sphere with radius r has an area = 4πr² A sphere with radius 2r has an area = 4π(2r)² = 4π.4r² = 16πr² The ratio of the larger sphere to the smaller = 16πr² : 4πr² = 4 : 1 If the area of the smaller sphere is 45 units then the area of the larger sphere is 45 x 4 = 180 units.

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No, a hollow sphere can hold a larger electric charge compared to a solid sphere of the same diameter because the charge resides on the outer surface in both cases. In a hollow sphere, the charge distributes uniformly on the outer surface, allowing it to hold more charge without experiencing as much repulsion between like charges as a solid sphere.

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The motion of a sphere in fluid becomes uniform over time due to the balance between gravitational forces and fluid resistance. As the sphere moves, the fluid creates a drag force that eventually equals the gravitational force acting on the sphere. This equilibrium causes the sphere to move at a constant velocity, resulting in a uniform motion.

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How is the coeefficientof viscosityof oil determined?

by dropping different sized small metal sphere and determining its terminal velocity.(using Stoke's law) also by Poisseulli's experiment and formula : Volume of liquid flowing throurgh a narrow pipe per second=Pressure difference*Pi*(radius of the pipe)4/8* coefficient of viscosity*length of the tube.

If you have a cube and a sphere that weigh the same but only the cube will float what does that tell you about the volume?

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