now if you had said does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.....
3 pounds of apples weigh more than 50 ounces of feathers.
Iron weighs more than feathers. Iron is a dense, heavy metal, while feathers are light and fluffy. However, if comparing the same volume of iron and feathers, they would weigh the same due to the concept of density.
They both weigh the same as both of them originally weigh-in at a pound
A pound of feathers and a pound of rocks both weigh the same - one pound. The difference lies in the density of the objects; feathers are less dense, so a pound of feathers will take up more space than a pound of rocks.
The answer is they all weigh the same amount are equal in weight which is different then density
They weigh the same
No, because a gallon is a gallon. Well, I guess you can say that brick substances in a milk gallon carton will indeed be heavier than feathers in a gallon carton, but water and soft drinks are both liquid. You can also experiment this yourself! Its pretty easy, you probably already know what to do. :)
You're comparing a mass to a volume. A gallon of water can can weigh a certain amount, but a gallon of a more dense fluid can weigh more.
A gallon of fresh water is heavier than a gallon of sea water because fresh water is denser than sea water.
Yes, temporarily. One gallon of water weighs about 8.35 pounds.
3 pounds of apples weigh more than 50 ounces of feathers.
A gallon is a measure of, usually, liquid volume. A gallon of water is 128 ounces. Other liquids will weigh more or less depending the specific gravity.
No, they should weigh the same.
Coke products would weigh more. Water alone weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon. To make 1 gallon of coke you would start with a gallon of water and then add your sugar, preservatives, artificial flavor, and so on, so you are just adding to the weight of the water you started with.
1 gallon of sand - except in outer space, where the would both weigh nothing.1 gallon of sand - except in outer space, where the would both weigh nothing.1 gallon of sand - except in outer space, where the would both weigh nothing.1 gallon of sand - except in outer space, where the would both weigh nothing.
Blood has an average density of about 1060 kg/m3, pure water's density is slightly less at 1000 kg/m3.