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Sincerely, it is quite possible.

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1mo ago

Yes, a 2 kg iron brick has twice as much mass as a 1 kg iron brick. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, so doubling the mass means doubling the amount of matter present in the object.

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Q: Does a 2 kg solid iron brick have twice as much mass as a 1 kg solid iron?
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Does a 2 kilogram iron brick have twice as much inertia as a 1 kilogram iron brick?

No, the inertia of an object is directly proportional to its mass. In this case, a 2 kilogram iron brick has twice the mass of a 1 kilogram iron brick, so it also has twice the inertia.

If you Compare a 1kg block of solid iron a 2kg block of solid iron has twice as much?

The 2kg block of solid iron has twice the mass of the 1kg block, but the amount of iron in both blocks remains the same. Mass and amount of material are two different concepts.

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Which would weigh more a brick made of iron or the same size brick made of lead?

A brick made of lead would weigh more than a brick made of iron, as lead is denser and heavier than iron. Even though they are the same size, the lead brick would have more mass.

Which would weigh more a brick made of iron or the samesize brick made oflead?

A brick made of lead would weigh more than a brick made of iron of the same size. This is because lead is denser than iron, meaning it has more mass packed into a similar volume.

Does a 100 gram piece of iron have twice the density of a 50 gram piece of iron?

Since density is defined as mass divided by volume, the statement that the 100g piece of iron has twice the density as the 50g piece would only be true if they occupied the same volume. However, since iron is an element, it will not vary so widely in density in solid form. Thus, it is more than likely that they are different volumes with the same density, and only the mass of the first piece is twice the mass of the second.

What is the state of iron at freezing temperature?

it is at a solid mass

What is the mass of 4.00 moles of iron?

To determine the mass of Iron, its density is required. The formula used is Volume x Density = Mass. Assuming the Iron is pure and in solid state with a density of approximately 7.87g/cm3 at room temperature, its mass is around 51.2g.

Does air have a lower mass than a brick?

Yes, air has a significantly lower mass than a brick. Air is made up of gases, which have a very low density compared to the solid materials that make up a brick. A typical brick weighs much more than the same volume of air.

Does a 2-kg iron brick have as much inertia as a 1-kg block of wood?

Yes, the 2-kg iron brick has more inertia than the 1-kg block of wood. Inertia is directly proportional to mass, so an object with more mass has more resistance to changes in its state of motion.

What is the mass of 6.5 centimeters cube iron?

To determine the mass of Iron, its density is required. The formula used is Volume x Density = Mass. Assuming the Iron is pure and in solid state with a density of approximately 7.87g/cm3 at room temperature, its mass is around 51.2g.

What has a mass about as much as a brick?

another brick