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3mo ago

Yes, protons and electrons interact through electromagnetic forces. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge, so they are attracted to each other. This interaction is essential for the structure and behavior of atoms.

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Q: Do protons and electrons interact
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Why the behaviour of both protons and electrons in isotopes of an atom are the same?

Protons and electrons behave similarly in isotopes of an atom because they both carry a fundamental electrical charge and interact with the atom's nucleus through electromagnetic forces. Although protons and electrons have different masses and are located in different parts of the atom, their interactions with the nucleus are governed by the same physical principles. This leads to similar behaviors of protons and electrons in isotopes of an atom.

How many protons and electrons are in phosphorus?

Phosphorus has 15 protons and 15 electrons.

Why is a carbon atom different from an oxygen atom?

Carbon and oxygen atoms are different because they have different numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Carbon has 6 protons while oxygen has 8 protons, leading to differences in their chemical properties and how they interact with other atoms. Additionally, the arrangement of electrons in their outer shells is different, giving them unique characteristics and reactivity.

How do protons neutron and electrons differ?

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Why protons are in neuclues and not in shells like electrons?

Actually, protons are in shells. They follow a similar behavior as do electrons, except that due to their much greater mass, they don;t move around as much as electrons do from their kinetic energy. That, and the fact that protons interact via the extremely short-ranged force called the strong nuclear force, while electrons don't, keep them clumped close together in the nucleus.

How many electrons are in 36 protons?

Protons do not contain electrons. Protons are positively charged, electrons negatively charged.

How many protons and electrons in ion Br?

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Boron has 5 protons and 5 electrons.

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6 electrons and 6 protons

What is the number of protons in the necleus?

# of protons = # of electrons # of protons/ electrons + # of neutrons = atomic mass

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