It depends, there are two types of ghosts, spirits and deadly ghosts, spirits, yes, deadly ghosts, no.
scary ghost, white ghostAdditional answerScary and white are just adjectives than can be used with ghost, but they are not adjectives of ghost (which is what I think you are asking). Ghostly is the adjective.
No, "ghost" is a common noun. Proper nouns refer to specific, unique names of people, places, or things (e.g. Casper the Ghost).
When Scrooge touched the robe of the ghost, he felt a chill run through him and it caused the ghost's form to dwindle down to the size of a child. This hinted at the spirit's fragile nature and the impact of Scrooge's actions on the ghost's existence.
To get the Ghost Ray power in Dizzywood, you need to complete the mission called "Ghost Ray Getaway" in the Crystal Catacombs area. Once you have completed the mission, you will have the Ghost Ray power that allows you to become invisible for a short period of time.
Slimey winey Slimer Just Slimer
you talk to it in your sleep
Brutus asked his servants why they had cried out of their sleep because he saw a ghost of Caesar.
no one really knows
I hope so. :) Love is boundless.
ghost of caesar
They sleep on the beach sometimes in plain sight. In the winter time they will hibernate for six months under the sand.
Caesar's ghost
You may be looking for the word "succubus," although a succubus is a demon, not a ghost.
the method only one: don't be expressionless.The ghost always wait a chance to enter you body.Because if you expressionless your mind was zero,the ghost have chance to enter your body and make your soul sleep in the deep prison
well i am not shore but i think there real, but you could try doing somthing to see a ghost. hey do u want to hear a story!? my friends mum was a kid and she was a sleep and she work and saw a ghost looking at her!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh scary!
The dead do not sleep. They no longer have bodies... So, sleep is no longer required. If you want to speak to someone who has passed... Do it the same way that you would with someone who is living. Talk. They can hear you.
When you are in dream mode, what you see is just in the dream.