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No, equal changes in Vgs do not necessarily cause equal changes in Id for a MOSFET. The relationship between Vgs and Id is nonlinear and depends on the characteristics of the specific MOSFET being used, such as threshold voltage and transconductance. The current-voltage relationship in a MOSFET is governed by its operating region (ohmic, saturation, or cutoff).

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Q: Do equal changes in Vgs cause equal changes of Id?
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Define the trans-conductance gm of a JFET?

gm = d(ID)/d(VGS), where ID = drain current, and VGS = gate bias, with all other biases fixed and all biases referenced to the source voltage. gm is the measure of how much the drain current changes with an incremental change of VGS. Practically, you measure (ID, VGS) pairs at a fixed VDS for a range of VGS. Then gm at a certain (VGS=VGS1) is simply (ID2-ID1)/(VGS2-VGS1), where 1,2 signify consecutive pairs of (ID, VGS). In other words, you can plot ID versus VGS on an x-y plot with VGS being the x-axis. Whichever way you measure the slope at a certain (VGS=VGS1) on the curve is the gm value. Please note that gm for an MOSFET is the same in definition. =============================

Why FET is called square law device?

A FET is called a square-law device because of the relationship of ID to the square of a term containing VGS.

What is the relationship between channel width and drain current?

if channel width decreases , the drain current(Id) will also decrease . but , Id will decrease up to a certain limit , when the jfet is in pinch off condition i.e. channel width is tends to zero (Vgs is very high) the Id will be constant then.

The transfer characteristics of a JFET with external bias?

In a JFET with external bias, the transfer characteristics typically show how the output current (ID) varies with the input voltage (VG). By applying an external bias voltage between the gate and source terminals, the JFET operates in its active region, allowing for control over the output current. This biasing scheme enables fine-tuning of the JFET's operating point and can influence parameters like transconductance and overall performance.

2 What is Pinch-off voltage of JFET?

To find out the qualitative response to changes in Vgs and Vds, consider Vgs =0. In response to a small applied voltage Vds, a n-channel JFET acts as a simple semiconductor resistor and Id increases linearly with Vds. With increasing current, the ohmic voltage drop between the source and the channel region reverse biases the junction and the conducting portion of the channel begins to constrict. because of the ohmic drop along the length of the channel itself, the constriction is not uniform but is more pronounced at distances father from the source. Eventually, a Vds is reached at which the channel is "pinched off". At this voltage, Id begins to level off. and approach a constant value. It is not possible for the channel to close completely and reduce Id to zero. If that were the case, then the ohmic drop required to provide the back biasing would be lacking.Id is not equal to zero at Pinch off voltage.Thus, pinch off voltage can be defined as the gate reverse voltage that removes all the free charge from the channel.

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