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Maybe some, but very few do. Powered (not gliders) airplanes are surprisingly heavy. Furthermore they carry a huge weight in fuel. Many big airplanes takeoff with more weight than they can land with. Even if an airplane has used up its fuel, the weight of engines and fuselage is more than the boyancy of fuel tanks and the pressure hull. Blub glub glub....

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

Aircraft carriers float due to the principle of buoyancy, which is the force that keeps objects afloat in a fluid (such as water). The carrier's hull is designed to displace a volume of water greater than its own weight, creating an upward force that keeps it on the surface. Additionally, the carrier's design includes ballast tanks that can be filled with water to adjust the ship's buoyancy and keep it stable.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. For something to float, it has have a density of less that 1Mg (1000 kg) per m3. If the object was made of lead with a (compared to the object) small bubble of air inside, it wouldn't float.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The weight of the aircraft carrier presses down on the water with gravity...however, the water presses up against the aircraft carrier. When these forces are equal, the device floats. If you've ever taken a balloon or ball into the water and noted that it wants to float and it takes more effort to sink it, same principal on a bigger scale. This is called buoyancy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

They are shaped in a way that will push a lot of water out of the way when they're in it.

As soon as the weight of the water pushed out of the way is the same as the ship's weight,

the ship doesn't settle any deeper.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In general no they cannot however there are some specially adapted army ones that can these are The Harrier and the F-35 lightning.

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Q: Aircraft carrier How do they float?
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How does an aircraft carrier float?

An aircraft carrier floats due to its large displacement volume, which creates buoyancy to support its weight. The carrier's hull is designed to displace a volume of water equal to its weight, allowing it to float on the surface of the water. The carrier's design and construction ensure that the weight is distributed evenly to maintain stability and prevent it from sinking.

How does an object as large as an aircraft carrier float on water explain in detail about buoyancy?

An aircraft carrier floats on water due to a principle called buoyancy. The carrier displaces a volume of water equal to its weight, creating an upward force called buoyant force that supports it. This force is greater than the carrier's weight, allowing it to stay afloat. The design of the carrier ensures that its overall density is lower than that of water, enabling it to float.

Can an aircraft carrier go 100 knots?

No, an aircraft carrier cannot go 100 knots. The top speed of an aircraft carrier is typically around 30-35 knots, which is fast for a ship of its size but much slower than 100 knots.

How do humans float in the air?

Humans do not naturally float in the air. However, if someone is floating in the air, it may be due to external factors like being lifted by a crane or being inside an aircraft that is in flight.

What weighs 2.5 million tons?

An aircraft carrier typically weighs around 100,000 tons, so 2.5 million tons would be equivalent to about 25 aircraft carriers. This weight is also close to the combined weight of thousands of commercial airplanes or hundreds of thousands of cars.

Related questions

Is it easy to sink aircraft carriers?

No because aircraft carriers are so huge and it can handle lots of punishments. Aircraft carriers are incredibly strong. If you fire one missile at it, it still could float and move even up to twelve missiles and the aircraft carrier will take damages and still can move. If you fire several missiles or more, the whole aircraft carrier will sink.

What is the maximum size and weight of a aircraft carrier or battleship or any sea vessel can weigh to still be able to float in the ocean?

There is no maximum theoretically. As long as the weight of the water being displaced is greater than the weight of the ship itself, it will float. That's why a 1 pound steel ball sinks, but a 90,000 ton aircraft carrier made out of the same material floats.

What does the letter R mean in the NATO aircraft carrier pennant numbers?

aiRcraft caRRier

Is it okay to test sinking the aircraft carrier?

Only there's no one on the aircraft carrier.

What is one of the World's most strongest aircraft carrier?

The USS Eisenhower carrier is the most strongest aircraft carrier in the World.

How did naval aircraft fight the war in the Pacific?

Carrier fighter vs carrier fighter. Aircraft carrier duels. Carrier planes (naval aircraft) have folding wings/or wing-tips for shipboard operations.

When was Japanese aircraft carrier Yamashio Maru created?

Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga was created on 1929-11-30.

When was Vikrant class aircraft carrier created?

Vikrant class aircraft carrier was created in 2015.

Is flight deck an aircraft carrier?

There is a flight deck on an aircraft carrier but, it is not an aircraft carrier as there are many other ships that have flight decks on them. The amphibious assault ship is a good example.

Why does a marble sink into water but an aircraft carrier which is heavier float?

Because the marble has a lesser density than water. And also because of the marbles shape and size. :)

When was French aircraft carrier BΓ©arn created?

French aircraft carrier Béarn was created in 1927-05.

When did Soviet aircraft carrier Novorossiysk end?

Soviet aircraft carrier Novorossiysk ended in 1993-06.