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Apparent weightlessness occurs when an object is in free fall, making it feel weightless due to the absence of support forces. True weightlessness occurs when an object is at a point in space where the gravitational pull is negligible, resulting in a complete absence of gravitational forces acting on the object.

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Q: Distinguish between apparent weightlessness and true weightlessness?
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What is true weightlessness?

True weightlessness refers to the sensation experienced by objects or individuals when they are freely falling in a vacuum environment, without any external forces acting on them. This occurs when the force of gravity is canceled out by the acceleration of the object. Astronauts in space experience this sensation due to their spacecraft orbiting the Earth.

Objects in free fall are weightless True or false?

False. Objects in free fall are still subject to the force of gravity, so they have weight. However, they experience weightlessness because they are in a state of constant acceleration towards the Earth, causing the sensation of weightlessness.

Is the kilowatt apparent power?

According to Wikipedia, all forms of power can be expressed in Watts, but typically one expresses only REAL Power in Watts (& Kilowatts).The standard is to express Apparent Power in Volt-Amperes (VA) (& KVA).The kilowatt is the unit of measure for true power; apparent power is measured in volt amperes.However, the volt ampere and the reactive volt ampere (for reactive power) are traditional units, used to help differentiate between apparent, true, and reactive power. SI recognises the watt as the unit for each.

Can objects be weightless?

Yes. An object is weightless if gravity is the only force acting on it. (for example, a ball falling in a vacuum) There is no true "weightlessness", because, even if two masses are separated by billions of light years, there is still a gravitational attraction force. There is a distance at which this cannot be felt anymore, but there is still a force.

Is there a anti gravity button in a spaceship?

No, there is no "anti-gravity button" in a spaceship. Spacecraft can create the sensation of weightlessness by achieving a state of free fall around a planet or other celestial body, but true anti-gravity technology does not currently exist.

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If the distance between us and a star is doubled the apparent brightness is decreased by a factor of four true or false?

True. The apparent brightness of a star is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the star and the observer. So if the distance is doubled, the apparent brightness will decrease by a factor of four.

What affect the phase angle?

Apparent power is the vector sum of a load's true power and its reactive power. If you draw a 'power diagram', the phase angle will be the angle between the true power and the apparent power. If true power is fixed, then increasing the phase angle will result in a greater value of apparent power.

Is zero gravity possible?

Zero gravity, also known as microgravity, occurs when an object is in freefall and experiences an apparent weightlessness. This is commonly observed in space environments such as the International Space Station. While true zero gravity does not exist in a gravitational field, there are environments in which the effects of gravity are minimal enough to create the sensation of weightlessness.

Why power factor expressed in cosine angle?

The vector-relationship between apparent power, true power, and reactive power is represented by a right-angled triangle, whose hypotenuse represents apparent power and whose adjacent represents true power. Since power factor is defined as 'the ratio of true power to apparent power', you will find that this ratio corresponds to the cosine of the angle between them.

Catabolism and anabolism are the two phases of metabolism?

is the distinguish the distance between the end! :D

What is true weightlessness?

True weightlessness refers to the sensation experienced by objects or individuals when they are freely falling in a vacuum environment, without any external forces acting on them. This occurs when the force of gravity is canceled out by the acceleration of the object. Astronauts in space experience this sensation due to their spacecraft orbiting the Earth.

Which Criteria used to distinguish between true solution and colloids as no residue is left on filter paper on filtration?

In true solution the molecules of the solute get equally distributed throughout the solvent in the atomic level i.e. at the distance of diameter of an atom. While in colloides the molecules are not mixed in such state. So, using this as a principal to distinguish between colloide & solution. We can centrifuge the two mixtures to distinguish the colooide & solution.

Why power factor using cos theta angle?

It's actually cos phi, where the Greek letter, 'phi', is the symbol for phase angle -the angle by which a load current lags or leads the supply current in an a.c. system (the Greek letter, 'theta', is used for the displacement of instantaneous values of current or voltage from the origin of a sine wave).The reason why power factor is a cosine requires you to understand the relationship between apparent power, true power, and reactive power. Apparent power is the vector sum of true power and reactive power, and can be represented, graphically, by the so-called 'power triangle'. In the power triangle, true power lies along the horizontal axis, reactive power lies along the perpendicular axis, and the apparent power forms the hypotenuse, and the angle between true power and apparent power represents the phase angle. By definition, power factor is the ratio between true power and apparent power, and this ratio corresponds to the cosine of the phase angle.From this, we can conclude that true power = apparent power x cos phi, where 'cos phi' is the 'factor' by which we must multiply apparent power to determine true power -i.e. the 'power factor'.

What is the ratio of apparent power to true power?

The ratio of apparent power to true power is called 'admittance', expressed in siemens. Admittance is the inverse of impedance.

Objects in free fall are weightless True or false?

False. Objects in free fall are still subject to the force of gravity, so they have weight. However, they experience weightlessness because they are in a state of constant acceleration towards the Earth, causing the sensation of weightlessness.

How can different ways of knowing help us to distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true?

I'm not going to answer your TOK essay for you. Do some research! Think along the lines of claim and counterclaims for a WoK and add in interesting examples, Can you add in AoK? Tests for truth? How about persuasion and propaganda? Finally, add your own ideas to it. Good Luck :D