Pitch can mean many things:
Tar, throw, field, turn or rotate, shade . . .
The compound word for pitch is pitchfork.
The compound word for pitch is "pitchfork".
The pitch of a harmonica changes when you blow or draw air through different reeds. The reeds are tuned to different pitches so when you blow or draw, the airflow causes them to vibrate at different frequencies, producing different notes.
"Pitch" can refer to the highness or lowness of a sound, a sticky substance like tar, a sales presentation, or the angle of a roof. It depends on the context in which the word is used.
A bell typically has a high pitch due to its small size and the fast vibrations of the metal when struck. The high pitch is produced by the rapid frequency of the sound waves.
The word pitch refers to the actual sound of the note, i.e, how high or low it is. Interval is the relation of different pitches to each other.
The compound word for pitch is pitchfork.
The compound word for pitch is "pitchfork".
Pitch is a noun (a pitch) and a verb (to pitch).
The word pitched has one syllable.
The word pitch has one syllable.
Pitch=Frequency Volume=Amplitude
The Pitch Interval
The word you are looking for is "intonation." Intonation refers to the rise and fall in pitch of the voice when speaking a sentence, which can convey different meanings or emotions.
That's the cricket "pitch", my friend. Often, confusingly for Americans, it's called the "wicket". The word "wicket" occurs with different meanings in the game of cricket and it's best to call the "path" the "pitch". There are also rather slangy words used such as the "track". I call it the "pitch", because that's the "proper" word for it.
The word pitch has several meanings in the English Language. To pitch a bassball is to throw the ball at a player of the opposing team called a Batter. Equaly the word can mean the angle an aircraft climbs from 1 height to a different height. Then there is the meaning whcih it a form of oil that is very thick and flows at speeds of 1 milimeter per day.