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Yes, the Wright glider experienced the four forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. These forces are necessary for any aircraft to achieve controlled flight. The Wright brothers' understanding and manipulation of these forces were crucial in their development of powered flight.

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Q: Did the wright brothers even have the four forces in the wright glider?
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Did the wright brothers have help on inventing the airplane?

The Wright brothers did not have any help on inventing. They were on their own. They were even discouraged. They were not even supported.

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No. They were never even married.

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What do you need to fly?

A plane, or even a helicopter, or even a hang-glider.

Why did the the wright brothers want to fly?

People have wanted to fly since the dawn of man. Surely even neanderthal man watched birds flying and wished he could do the same. The Wright brothers had an intense interest in flying things since boyhood when their father gave them a flying toy. In addition to the obvious prestige in making such a historic first, the wright brothers must also have been motivated by the commercial possibilities of powered flight. Indeed, the Wright brothers built a very successful business on their innovations, and history has shown that powered flight has in fact become an enormously important part of our modern economy.

Who made the first aircraft?

Leonardo Davinci. He never had a working model or even a model for that matter - but he still designed one.the wright brothers == While the Wright brother made the first WORKING aircraft, Leonardo Da Vinci designed the first one. It's in his notebooks.

What were the names of the wright brothers?

The Wright Brothers created the first successful flight in a self-propelled aircraft on a sand dune near Kitty Hawk in 1903. Orville and Wilbur Wright, the Wright Brothers are famous for being credited with the worlds first manned flight in a heavier-than-air aircraft. Their aircraft, "The Wright Flyer" while very crude by today's standard was able to maintain controllable flight for up to 39 minutes, even though the first flight was only 120 feet. Their first flights took place on December 17th 1903, on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The brothers eventually founded a successful company which merged with Curtis to become Curtis-Wright which is still around today (NYSE: CW) Wilbur died of typhoid fever in 1912 leaving Orville to run the company which he sold shortly thereafter and became an elder statesman of aviation, serving on various official boards and committees, including the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). Orville died in 1923 of complications from his 2nd heart attack.

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they didn't wright that song. they just recoreded it. they didnt even like it until they recorded it they said, " its what they wanted to stand for". just listen to the lyrics. the title is pretty self explanatory they didn't wright that song. they just recoreded it. they didnt even like it until they recorded it they said, " its what they wanted to stand for". just listen to the lyrics. the title is pretty self explanatory They did wright that song

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