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When you strike a match, first the energy is chemical because of the chemcial on the tip of the match. Then, it is mechanical because your hand moves. Then it is thermal because the match lights on fire.

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When you strike a match, friction between the match head and the striking surface generates heat energy. The heat ignites the match head, causing a chemical reaction that releases more heat and light energy. This energy transformation process allows the match to burn and produce a flame.

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Q: Describe the energy transformations that happen hen you strike a match?
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What are the transformations of energy that take place when you strike a match and then light a candle?

When you strike a match, the mechanical energy from your hand is transformed into thermal energy from the friction, causing the match to ignite. Once the match ignites, the chemical potential energy stored in the match head is converted into thermal energy and light energy that starts the candle wick burning.

What energy transformations is in a PV cell?

In a photovoltaic (PV) cell, the energy transformation involves converting light energy (photons) into electrical energy (electrons). When photons from sunlight strike the PV cell, they excite electrons in the semiconductor material, allowing them to flow as an electric current, thus converting light energy into electrical energy.

What forms of energy happen when you strike a match?

When you strike a match, mechanical energy is used to move the matchstick against the rough striking surface. This generates heat energy due to friction, which ignites the combustible chemicals on the match head. The chemical reaction releases thermal energy and light energy in the form of a flame.

What energy transformations in a piano?

Power: electrical :finger:mechanical ( (kinetics)striker:sound.

What energy is lightning strike?

A lightning strike releases a large amount of thermal and electrical energy. The temperature of a lightning bolt can reach up to 30,000 degrees Celsius (54,000 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hotter than the surface of the sun. Additionally, the electrical energy in a lightning strike can be as high as one billion volts.

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What are the transformations of energy that take place when you strike a match and then light a candle?

When you strike a match, the mechanical energy from your hand is transformed into thermal energy from the friction, causing the match to ignite. Once the match ignites, the chemical potential energy stored in the match head is converted into thermal energy and light energy that starts the candle wick burning.

What energy transformations is in a PV cell?

In a photovoltaic (PV) cell, the energy transformation involves converting light energy (photons) into electrical energy (electrons). When photons from sunlight strike the PV cell, they excite electrons in the semiconductor material, allowing them to flow as an electric current, thus converting light energy into electrical energy.

What forms of energy happen when you strike a match?

When you strike a match, mechanical energy is used to move the matchstick against the rough striking surface. This generates heat energy due to friction, which ignites the combustible chemicals on the match head. The chemical reaction releases thermal energy and light energy in the form of a flame.

What energy transformations in a piano?

Power: electrical :finger:mechanical ( (kinetics)striker:sound.

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