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Be individual, where your own fashion. BUT dark blue and black are fashionably ok together anyway

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3mo ago

Yes, you can wear dark blue and black colored clothes together. The key to pulling off this combination is to ensure that the shades complement each other well and to coordinate the rest of your outfit appropriately. Experiment with different textures and accessories to create a cohesive look.

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Q: Can you wear dark blue and black colored clothes together?
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Why do light color clothes keep you cooler in the summer then dark colored clothes?

Light colored clothes reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to dark colored clothes, which absorb more sunlight and heat up faster. This difference in absorption and reflection of sunlight leads to light colored clothes keeping you cooler in the summer.

Why do white clothes keep you cool?

White clothes reflect most of the sunlight, which helps to keep you cool by preventing the absorption of heat. This reflection of light reduces the amount of heat that is transferred to your body when you are in direct sunlight. Additionally, white clothes do not absorb as much visible light, which can help to keep you cooler compared to dark-colored clothes that absorb more light and heat.

What coulor does black and blue make?

Black and blue make a dark shade of blue. Mixing black with blue results in a deeper, richer blue color.

Why do black clothes feel hotter than white clothes on sunny days?

Black clothes absorb more sunlight and heat than white clothes, leading to a higher temperature of the fabric. This causes black clothes to feel hotter when worn on sunny days compared to white clothes, which reflect more light and heat.

Does black hold more heat?

As opposed to what? Blue? I assume that you mean a black surface. A black surface will generally absorb more light than will a lighter colored surface. That's why you see it as black. In sunshine, it will heat up more than will a lighter colored surface because it is not reflecting as much light. Will it hold it? Beats me. What's it made of? All I know is that it's black.

Related questions

When you breed a black and blue together what colors can you expect?

When you breed a black and a blue together you get a dark blue or black.

What temperature do you wash colored clothes in?

it depends. if your washing light colored clothes ( ex white,light blue,and yellow) you might want to do your tempature cold or warm. But if your colors are dark,( ex black hot pink, you want those together) you want to put them on cold. YOUR WELCOME!

What is us traditional clothes?

Common clothing in the U.S., if that's what you mean, are usually any kind of t-shirt, white or colored or even labeled(brand shirts or joke shirts), and jeans, which are usually blue, dark blue, light blue, or black.

What is Jack Black's favorite colour?

Jack Black's hair is medium brown colored.

What eye lenses did shahrukh khan where in raone?

Shahrukh Khan had a black colored eyes but in movie (Ra-One) he puts blue colored lenses.

Is it ok to wear black and blue together?

It is perfectly ok to wear black and blue colors together. Black will usually look best on the bottom with the blue as a top.

Why do light color clothes keep you cooler in the summer then dark colored clothes?

Light colored clothes reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to dark colored clothes, which absorb more sunlight and heat up faster. This difference in absorption and reflection of sunlight leads to light colored clothes keeping you cooler in the summer.

What temperature do you wash colors in?

it depends. if your washing light colored clothes ( ex white,light blue,and yellow) you might want to do your tempature cold or warm. But if your colors are dark,( ex black hot pink, you want those together) you want to put them on cold. YOUR WELCOME!

What color makes black and blue together?

Mixing black and blue will result in a dark bluish-black color.

Does a turkey see black and white or colored?

It can see all colors except blue !

What two colors mixed together make a dark blue?

Mixing blue and black together will create a dark blue color. The black helps to darken the blue hue, creating a deeper shade.

What colors would be created if blue and yellow were mixed together?

some brown colored thingy