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Technically you could. The problem would be gathering enough of the light coming from the lamp.

The magnifying glass fire starter works by condensing the light energy from the sun to a point. At a given energy density (depending on size of spot and lens diameter) combustible materials will ignite. The lens would need to be large enough to capture the majority of light coming from the sun/heat lamp and the focal length would be different and hard to achieve.

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3mo ago

You can start a fire using a magnifying glass and a sunlamp. The concentrated light and heat generated by the sunlamp can be used to ignite flammable material just like natural sunlight would.

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Q: Can you start a fire using a magnifying glass and a sunlamp or do you need actual sunlight?
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Why magnifying glass can burn paper?

A magnifying glass can burn paper by concentrating sunlight onto a small area, causing it to reach high temperatures. The lens of the magnifying glass acts as a converging lens, focusing the sunlight into a small, intense spot that can generate enough heat to ignite the paper.

Can you use a magnifying glass to create electricity?

No, a magnifying glass is used to concentrate sunlight in order to produce heat, not electricity. To create electricity, you would need a device such as a solar panel that converts sunlight into electrical energy.

How long does it take to burn a paper with magnifying glass?

The time it takes to burn a piece of paper with a magnifying glass depends on various factors such as the intensity of the sunlight, the distance between the magnifying glass and the paper, and the type of paper. Generally, it can take a few seconds to a couple of minutes to start a fire on the paper using a magnifying glass.

Here a magnifying glass can burn a whole in paper?

A magnifying glass can focus the sunlight into a small, intense spot on the paper, causing it to heat up and eventually burn a hole. The magnifying glass acts as a lens, converging the light rays to create a high enough temperature at the focal point to ignite the paper.

What type of energy transformation occurs with a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass transforms radiant energy (light) into thermal energy by focusing sunlight into a smaller area, increasing the intensity of the light and causing the object to heat up.

Related questions

Why magnifying glass can burn paper?

A magnifying glass can burn paper by concentrating sunlight onto a small area, causing it to reach high temperatures. The lens of the magnifying glass acts as a converging lens, focusing the sunlight into a small, intense spot that can generate enough heat to ignite the paper.

Can you use a magnifying glass to create electricity?

No, a magnifying glass is used to concentrate sunlight in order to produce heat, not electricity. To create electricity, you would need a device such as a solar panel that converts sunlight into electrical energy.

How long does it take to burn a paper with magnifying glass?

The time it takes to burn a piece of paper with a magnifying glass depends on various factors such as the intensity of the sunlight, the distance between the magnifying glass and the paper, and the type of paper. Generally, it can take a few seconds to a couple of minutes to start a fire on the paper using a magnifying glass.

How long to take a fire to start by using a magnifying glass?

It can take just a few seconds to a few minutes for a fire to start using a magnifying glass, depending on the intensity of the sunlight, the flammability of the material being focused on, and the skill of the person using the magnifying glass.

How do you make fire with a magnifying glass?

Find a sunny spot, hold the magnifying glass at an angle to concentrate the sunlight into a small point on the tinder, and wait for the heat to create a spark and ignite the tinder. Continue focusing the sunlight until the tinder catches fire. Be cautious and have water nearby in case of emergencies.

Can bread be toasted by using magnifying glass?

Yes it can but only by catching sunlight for a long time on the lens then pointing the magnifying glass at the toast I am 10 years old so very clever

Why does a magnifying glass in the sunlight make a fire?

A magnifying glass concentrates sunlight onto a small spot, which increases the intensity of the heat at that spot. When the intensity reaches a certain level, it can ignite flammable materials like paper or dry leaves, creating a fire.

Who invented the Illuminated Magnifying Glass?

There is little information available as to the actual history of the Illuminated Magnifying Glass. According to patent information the person that invented this product is Cheng-Wei Su.

When you place magnifying glass under the sunlight and this light absorbed by the paper what happen?

The lens of the magnifying glass concentrates the sun's light to a point. At that point the paper is heated to its ignition temperature and it can catch fire

How does a magnifying glass burn things?

A magnifying glass can concentrate sunlight onto a small area, causing the object underneath to heat up. As the temperature increases, it can eventually reach a point where the object ignites or burns. This is due to the magnifying glass focusing the light energy into a smaller space, intensifying its effects.

Here a magnifying glass can burn a whole in paper?

A magnifying glass can focus the sunlight into a small, intense spot on the paper, causing it to heat up and eventually burn a hole. The magnifying glass acts as a lens, converging the light rays to create a high enough temperature at the focal point to ignite the paper.

How does a plant burn when a magnifying glass and the sun join?

When sunlight is focused through a magnifying glass onto a plant, the intense heat energy creates a concentrated beam of light that can raise the temperature of the plant's tissues to the point of combustion, causing it to burn. The magnifying glass acts as a lens that concentrates the sunlight onto a specific spot, increasing the temperature rapidly localized on that area.