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It is not recommended to attach magnets to the outside of a microwave oven as they can interfere with the oven's operation. Instead, consider using adhesive hooks or clips to hold paper on the outside of the microwave.

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Q: Can you attach magnets to the outside of a microwave oven to hold paper?
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Do magnets attract paper clips?

Yes, magnets attract paper clips because paper clips are made of a magnetic material like iron. The magnetic field produced by the magnet causes the paper clips to be attracted to it.

Will a paper clip placed inside a microwave cause damage if the microwave is switched on?

Yes, placing a paper clip in a microwave can cause damage. The metal in the paper clip can create sparks, potentially damaging the microwave and even causing a fire. It's not safe to put metal objects inside a microwave.

What are examples of permanent magnets?

Some examples of permanent magnets are neodymium magnets, samarium-cobalt magnets, and alnico magnets. These magnets are made from materials that retain their magnetic properties for long periods without needing an external magnetic field to remain magnetized.

Why do magnets attract iron and not paper?

Magnets attract iron because iron is a ferromagnetic material, meaning its atoms align in a way that responds to magnetic fields. Paper, on the other hand, is made of non-magnetic materials like cellulose and does not have magnetic properties. So, magnets do not attract paper because it does not interact with magnetic fields in the same way as iron.

Why does a paper plate containing a potato doesnot heat up in microwave oven?

Paper plates are made from materials that do not absorb microwaves well, so they do not heat up in the same way as food or containers designed for microwave use. This is why the paper plate does not heat up when containing a potato in the microwave.